Planning Programs and Projects

This page allows users to search for projects from the RTA’s Planning Programs. Users can search for projects by name or keyword from the Search bar or the Filter pulldown menus. 

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Year Project Title Program Project Type Project Partner Budget Funding Source(s) Status
+ Berkeley Pace Route Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Berkeley $50,000
  • RTA

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project funds Phase I engineering necessary for future sidewalk network improvements that will provide access from residential neighborhoods south of St. Charles Road to Pace Bus Route 313. Engineering will be completed for sidewalk gaps along Lee Boulevard, Morris Avenue, Rohde Avenue, Spencer Avenue, and Jerele Boulevard.

Current Activities

Project has been completed.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $50,000

Last Updated 06.26.2023

+ Calumet Park Pace Route and Metra Station Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Calumet Park $264,126
  • RTA
  • Federal
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project will construct bicycle facilities along 124th Street to better facilitate safe access between bus transit services along Halsted Street to the Ashland Metra station at Ashland Avenue. Additional improvements include completing a sidewalk gap on 124th Street between Laflin and Bishop Streets and pedestrian improvements to the intersection of 124th Street and Laflin Street.

Current Activities

After a period of delays, the Phase II engineering has resumed.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $52,825
Federal $211,301

Last Updated 11.15.2023

+ Cary TOD Developer Dialogue Community Planning Developer Panel Cary $3,500
  • RTA

Project Details


The RTA provided assistance to the Village in soliciting guidance and advice from development experts through a half-day discussion panel. This panel discussed the development climate and potential strategies to prepare for and attract development to specific parcels near the Cary Metra station. The Final Report is attached.

Current Activities

RTA staff has developed a final report and delivered it to the Village of Cary.  This project is complete.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $3,500

Last Updated 04.28.2023

+ Cicero TOD Developer Dialogue Community Planning Developer Panel Cicero $3,500
  • RTA

Project Details


The RTA convened a half-day Developer Discussion Panel in July 2022 to solicit guidance and advice from development experts regarding a collection of Town-owned parcels near the Cicero Metra station on the UP-West line. This panel discussed the development climate and potential strategies to prepare for, and attract development to, these parcels.

Current Activities

The Developer Discussion Panel was held in Cicero on July 19. The report of recommendations was published in October 2022 and is available under "Related Reports."

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $3,500

Last Updated 05.19.2023

+ Evanston Pace and CTA Route Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Evanston $300,481
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project will convert all of the bus stops in the City of Evanston from flagged to posted stops and include the installation of ADA compliant bus stop pads. In addition, this project will install shelters, pedestrian signals, truncated domes, and new and replaced sidewalk to further enhance the new bus stops. Shelters are proposed for stops with 20 average daily boardings.

Current Activities

Due to engineering requirements of the CMAQ program, Evanston has decided to move forward with this project, with a modified scope, outside of the CMAQ program. RTA will continue to support the original local match to ensure completion of the project. 

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $30,048
Local $30,048
Federal $240,385

Last Updated 11.15.2023

+ Franklin Park Pace Route and Metra Station Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Franklin Park $890,196
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project will construct bicycle and pedestrian improvements along two corridors in the community: an east-west bicycle route and a north-south pedestrian route that connect the Village’s two Metra stations and three Pace Bus routes to its three industrial areas. Improvements to the bike network will include the installation of eight-foot multi-use paths, on road sharrows, on road dedicated bike lanes, and installation of new signage and path widening along existing paths. The proposed sidewalk improvements on 25th Avenue will provide safe connections from the downtown train stations to the southern industrial area without forcing pedestrians to navigate gaps in the sidewalk network. Employees taking the Pace 303 bus will also benefit from these improvements.

Current Activities

Phase II engineering consultant has been selected. Awaiting IDOT approval of the Project Development Report to begin Phase II.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $63,169
Local $114,870
Federal $712,157

Last Updated 11.15.2023

+ La Grange TOD Plan Update Community Planning TOD Plan Update La Grange $100,000
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details


The RTA will assist the Village of La Grange to update their current transit-oriented development plan adopted in 2005. By updating this plan, the Village seeks to address current construction market dynamics,  changes in the retail industry, and changing commuting habits to poise the community to take advantage of future redevelopment opportunities. In particular, the Village seeks to invite redevelopment on the West End, which has seen no new development since 2005.  The proposed study area encompasses the Central Business District of La Grange, the West End Business District, and other properties within less than one quarter mile from each Metra Station in La Grange. 

Current Activities

The consultant team has finalized the Community Conditions Report. A public open house was held and public engagement efforts are ongoing. The project team is working towards creating a vision and goals to help lead the development of plan recommendations. More information and engagement opportunities can be found on the project website

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $80,000
Local $20,000

Last Updated 11.28.2023

+ Harvard Pace Route Access Improvements - Marengo Rd and Ayer St Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Harvard $47,000
  • RTA

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project will complete Phase I engineering necessary for future pedestrian access improvements along US Rte. 14, IL Route. 173, Marengo Road, and Ayer Street. Engineering will be completed for new sidewalks, ADA improvements, crosswalks, and a Pace Bus shelter. These improvements will also better connect residents to the Harvard Metra Station and the Pace Bus Route 808.

Current Activities

Phase I Engineering Complete. Harvard is seeking funding for Phase II engineering and construction.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $47,000

Last Updated 11.09.2023

+ Hoffman Estates Pace Barrington Road Station Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Hoffman Estates $675,000
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project will construct a new off-road shared-use path on the north side of Central Road from the existing Paul Douglas Forest Preserve path system to the Pace Park-n-Ride at Barrington Road. The path will be 10 feet wide located generally along the right of way on the north side of Central Road. Destination and distance signing along with traffic controls for intersection and driveway crossings are included. Signal upgrades and modifications at the Central Road / Huntington Boulevard intersection will be made for bicycle and pedestrian users.

Current Activities

Phase II Engineering is underway. Cook County DOT is taking over sponsorship of the project.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $67,500
Local $67,500
Federal $540,000

Last Updated 11.15.2023

+ Homewood Downtown TOD Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Homewood $131,085
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


The RTA is assisting the Village of Homewood to prepare a transit-oriented development plan for downtown Homewood and areas surrounding the Homewood Metra and Amtrak station. Leveraging the ongoing station renovations, the goals of the planning study include identifying strategies to attract investment and development, retaining existing character/historic preservation, and increasing access to transit services in the downtown. With a locally-driven planning vision, the Village hopes to continue to foster Downtown population growth, identify new uses for vacant buildings, increase transit ridership, and increase the number of people visiting and spending time in Downtown Homewood. 

Current Activities

Work on the project began in April 2023, beginning with Steering Committee and consultant team kick-off meetings and the development of an existing conditions analysis. The project team completed a series of public engagement events in June and July to gather input from residents and stakeholders and inform the Plan’s preliminary recommendations. The project team is currently finalizing the Existing Conditions Report and is preparing initial recommendations for Village staff review and consideration.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $111,422
Local $19,663

Last Updated 11.28.2023