Capital Project Evaluation Legend

In response to State of Illinois legislation and feedback from regional stakeholders, a new evaluation process was developed, during the implementation of Transit is the Answer, the new regional strategic plan, for capital projects entering the five-year capital program. A series of 15 metrics was agreed upon to evaluate projects. These metrics address the 12 regional goals for capital investments that were articulated in state statute, suggested by the Service Boards, or recommended by members of the strategic plan stakeholder working groups. The 2024-2028 and future capital programs are evaluated using this new methodology. The metrics and their measures are detailed below.


Benefit to Riders

The project’s minor or major benefits to riders and what proportion of the agency’s riders will benefit from it.

Measure Symbol
Significant benefit to riders
Two green up arrows
Moderate benefit to riders
One green up arrow
Helps to maintain current benefits to riders
Black line with arrows on each end
Project does not impact riders
Not applicable symbol