Planning Programs and Projects

This page allows users to search for projects from the RTA’s Planning Programs. Users can search for projects by name or keyword from the Search bar or the Filter pulldown menus. 

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Year Project Title Program Project Type Project Partner Budget Funding Source(s) Status
+ Northbrook Pace Route and Metra Station Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Northbrook $200,863
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal
In Progress

Project Details


This project will install new shared lane markings (AKA sharrows), allowing the Village to implement low-cost recommendations from its Master Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. The project also includes installation of covered bike parking and wayfinding at the Northbrook Metra station.

Current Activities

 Phase II engineering has been completed. Notice to Proceed issued for construction. Once bicycle shelters are delivered, construction will begin.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $20,086
Local $20,086
Federal $160,691

Last Updated 11.19.2023

+ Prospect Heights Pace and Metra Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Prospect Heights $1,870,123
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project will construct new sidewalk on the east side of Wolf Road between the Prospect Heights Metra station and Willow Road. This will connect to a previous phase of the multi-use path on Wolf Road that goes north from Willow Road to Palatine Road. The project also includes the installation of pedestrian signals at Camp McDonald Road.

Current Activities

Finalizing temporary easements. Construction agreements have been sent to IDOT for approval. Targeting January 2024 letting date.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $89,347
Local $284,678
Federal $1,496,098

Last Updated 11.19.2023

+ Sauk Village Pace Route Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Sauk Village $50,000
  • RTA
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project will fund Phase I engineering necessary for sidewalk, crosswalk, and other intersection improvements along Sauk Trail and Torrence Avenue. Future improvements will fill sidewalk gaps and make ADA and safety related improvements at key intersections along Pace Bus Route 358.

Current Activities

Phase I Engineering consultant has been selected and work is underway.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $50,000

Last Updated 11.19.2023

+ University Park Metra Station Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit University Park $50,000
  • RTA

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project will fund Phase I engineering needed for a side path that will connect the University Park Metra Station to the I-57 Industrial Corridor. This project will complete a multimodal connection between transit and a growing employment center, making it easier and more safe for workers to access jobs via transit.

Current Activities

Project is complete

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $50,000

Last Updated 11.19.2023

+ Aurora Transportation Center Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Aurora $995,283
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project will create various pedestrian and access improvements to and around the Aurora Transportation Center including entrance modifications at the intersection of Spring Street and the creation of a Kiss and Ride area for passenger drop off. Other improvements include the installation of real time message boards on the platform to indicate train departure/arrival time and track location, installation of bike shelters on the east side of the Metra tracks and at the existing bike racks located along the west side of the platform, and installation of decorative monument signs at the Spring Street and Broadway Avenue entrances. Finally, four commuter transit shelters with heaters will be installed on the platforms and bike lanes along Spring Street, running east and west will be installed to improve access for people using bicycles to access the station.

Current Activities

Construction underway. Finishing the project including west shelter next quarter. 

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $99,528
Local $99,528
Federal $796,227

Last Updated 11.19.2023

+ Blue Island Metra Station Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Blue Island $469,000
  • RTA
  • Federal
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project will construct access improvements along Irving Avenue adjacent to the Vermont Street Metra station to improve the safety for people walking and biking to the station. Irving Avenue will be reconfigured and reconstructed between New Street and Vermont Street for one-way northbound traffic, including the construction of a sidewalk to provide pedestrian connections and parkway beautification elements. New on-street bike lanes along Irving Avenue will included to connect to the Cal Sag Regional Trail.

Current Activities

Phase I engineering is complete.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $93,800
Federal $375,200

Last Updated 11.19.2023

+ Calumet Park Ashland Metra Station Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Calumet Park $329,291
  • RTA
  • Federal
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project will include the construction of approximately 2,050 linear feet of new and improved sidewalks, two new pedestrian crosswalks, and a covered bike shelter at the Ashland Metra Station.

Current Activities

After a period of delays, the Phase II engineering has resumed.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $65,858
Federal $263,433

Last Updated 11.19.2023

+ Midlothian Metra Station Access Improvements - Part II Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Midlothian $691,000
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project will construct pedestrian access improvements for southern access to the Midlothian Metra station. Improvements include installing a high capacity sidewalk along the northwest side of the Rock Island District (RID) right-of-way, between 147th Street and Pulaski Road that will link pedestrians throughout the Village to the existing commuter station. The existing pedestrian bridge over Midlothian Creek will also be made accessible with the construction of an ADA ramp. At Pulaski a new pedestrian crosswalk and pedestrian signals will be installed to link the new sidewalk with residential areas west of Pulaski. Additional supporting items include some striping, lighting and fencing.

Current Activities

Processing engineering agreements.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $69,100
Local $69,100
Federal $552,800

Last Updated 11.19.2023

+ Niles Pace Route Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Niles $795,721
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project will construct sidewalk infill along Golf Road and Milwaukee Avenue in Niles, near the Golf Mill Shopping center, a major transfer center for Pace. Both Golf Road and Milwaukee Avenue are principal arterials currently without complete sidewalks and the new sidewalk will vary in width between 5 and 7 feet. The section of Golf Road will complete sidewalks from Milwaukee Avenue going east and will comprise nearly 4,000 linear feet in new sidewalk. The Milwaukee Avenue sidewalk improvements will be from Golf Road going southwest and will comprise nearly 2,400 feet of sidewalk infill. A new crosswalk with pedestrian signal and push button will be also installed across Milwaukee Avenue at the Golf Mill main entrance.

Current Activities

Engineering agreements pending IDOT approval. Targeting November 2023 letting date.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $79,572
Local $79,572
Federal $636,577

Last Updated 11.19.2023

+ North Chicago Pace Route Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit North Chicago $517,694
  • RTA
  • Federal
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project will create pedestrian access improvements to Pace bus stops located at Route 137 and Lewis Avenue in North Chicago, at the Lovell Federal Healthcare Center. The project includes new crosswalks, the removal of curbed signal islands and repaving where the curbed islands stand, installation of ADA compliant curbing and sidewalks, a section of retaining wall, a new bus shelter and pad, advanced prismatic pavement markings and signage, and signal modifications to include advanced audible countdown pedestrian heads at all legs of the intersection.

Current Activities

The City is in the process of securing a firm to do Phase II Engineering.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $103,539
Federal $414,155

Last Updated 11.19.2023