Planning Programs and Projects

This page allows users to search for projects from the RTA’s Planning Programs. Users can search for projects by name or keyword from the Search bar or the Filter pulldown menus. 

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Year Project Title Program Project Type Project Partner Budget Funding Source(s) Status
+ Justice Transit Improvement Study Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan Justice $67,410
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

This project, completed in 2007, assessed the market for improved transit service in the Village.
Current Activities
The Village of Justice has installed sidewalks along 79th Street from 88th Avenue to Roberts Road, and on Roberts Road from 79th Street to 87th Street. Two new bus shelters, four new benches, and two crosswalks have been added to improve access to Pace buses along 79th Street. Additionally, the Village has applied for Safe Routes to Schools funds for additional sidewalk improvements.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $6,741
Local $6,741
Federal $53,928

Last Updated 09.14.2017

+ Melrose Park Lake Street Transit Improvement Plan Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan Melrose Park $78,850
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

This project addressed transit and access improvements to support mixed use development along the Lake Street corridor from 9th Avenue to 25th Avenue. The corridor incorporates the adjacent Metra Union Pacific West Line and Pace bus routes.
Current Activities
The study was completed in January 2007. The RTA is monitoring progress and will offer implementation support as needed.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $15,770
Federal $63,080

Last Updated 02.28.2013

+ Mokena Transit-Oriented Development Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Mokena $124,500
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

This project identified transit-oriented development opportunities for the downtown Mokena Metra Rock Island District station area.
Current Activities
After completing the plan in 2008 the Village has taken several implementation steps, including the establishment of a TIF District as well as instituting permit fee relief and grant programs

Mokena received a grant from the Federal Railroad Grade Protection Fund in April 2011 for signal improvements at the intersection of Wolf Road and the Metra tracks located just south of Front Street. This will help improve traffic movements across the Metra tracks at Wolf Road, as suggested in the Plan.

Mokena was chosen as part of the 2012 RTA Community Planning Program of Projects for assistance connecting with development experts to discuss opportunities in the TOD study area. A panel of development experts met in November 2012 to discuss potential redevelopment opportunities in the TOD area and provide guidance and advice on ways the Village can attract development. A summary of this discussion can be found in the Study Documents. In recent years, (2) commercial projects were completed; 4,400 sq.ft 'Tribes Brewery' completed in May 2018, and 5,000 sq.ft 'Current Call Theater' completed in February 2017.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $4,900
Local $20,000
Federal $99,600

Last Updated 09.16.2019

+ Naperville Circulator Implementation Plan Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan Naperville $82,043
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

This project developed service specifications, potential funding sources and a marketing plan for a local transit circulator system in Naperville, as recommended in the DuPage Area Transit Plan. The final report was approved by the Naperville City Council on July 17, 2009.
Current Activities
Naperville has been exploring strategic funding opportunities since completion of this project with support from the RTA and Pace.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $65,634
Local $16,409

Last Updated 10.05.2016

+ Orland Park LaGrange Road Transit Improvement Plan Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan Orland Park $99,855
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

This project identified transit and pedestrian friendly improvements for development/redevelopment along the heavily used LaGrange Road Corridor. The study area consisted of LaGrange Road from 131st Street to Interstate 80.
Current Activities
This plan was completed in April 2010. A $106 million IDOT project that was launched in the summer of 2011 includes widening LaGrange Road to three lanes in each direction from 131st to 179th streets. Construction also included brick paver crosswalks in key locations, (the first-ever brick paver crosswalk crossing a Federal/State roadway in the State), along with new sidewalks, landscaping and extensive ornate aesthetic enhancements to enhance pedestrian access and safety to the Metra station.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $19,971
Federal $79,884

Last Updated 06.13.2017

+ Villa Park Station Area Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Villa Park $77,887
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details


This Station area plan focused on transit-oriented development opportunities and improving multi-modal access to the Village's commuter rail station on the Metra Union Pacific West Line.

Current Activities

The study was completed in November 2006. In 2010, the Village was awarded $900,000 through the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) for streetscape enhancements to Ardmore Avenue.

Additionally, the Village was chosen as part of the 2012 RTA Community Planning Program to update their zoning regulations in their TOD study area. New zoning districts were created through this project and the Village adopted the new regulations on July 8, 2013. The new TOD area zoning regulations can be found here. As a follow-up in 2013, the RTA worked with ULI to convene a panel of development experts to provide guidance and advice to the Village on ways to attract development in the TOD area.

In July 2021, the Village Board voted to approve a proposed $120 million mixed-use apartment building northwest of the Villa Park Metra station. The seven-story, 348-unit complex is to be located on 1.69 acres of a block bounded by East Vermont Street on the north, North Beverly Avenue on the east, West Terrace Street to the south and North Ardmore Avenue to the west and will feature first floor retail space. The developer broke ground on the project in 2022.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $15,577
Federal $62,310

Last Updated 11.09.2023

+ DuPage Phase I Community Circulators Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan DuPage Mayors & Managers $170,151
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available

This study assessed and refined potential market areas identified in the DuPage Area Transit Plan (DATP) for circulator services and developed preliminary service specifications/characteristics. In addition, the study explored potential institutional arrangements that are a prerequisite to successful service deployment. Circulator service designs were completed for four communities; Addison, Downers Grove, Lombard and Wheaton. Local task forces were formed to create an implementation plan for each community. Final implementation strategies were presented to each city council/village board with a resolution recommending financial and institutional commitment.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $140,151
Local $30,000

Last Updated 08.08.2017

+ Harvey Intermodal Station Area Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Harvey $83,693
  • RTA
  • Federal

Project Details

This project provides a plan for redevelopment of the city's downtown area that includes the Metra Electric District commuter rail station and Pace's Harvey Transportation Center. The plan was completed in November, 2005.
Current Activities
In 2010, Pace funded a Transit Signal Priority Project for the Harvey Transportation Center. Testing of the full deployment of TSP was completed in August 2010. Twenty signalized intersections along 158th, Sibley Boulevard, Halsted and Park Avenue were deployed in Phase I, and in Phase II 10 signalized intersections were deployed along Halsted Street. This project helped to improve circulation and movement within the downtown area, as recommended in the plan.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $16,739
Federal $66,954

Last Updated 06.08.2017

+ Midlothian Station Area Enhancement Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Midlothian $140,000
  • RTA
  • Federal

Project Details


The study produced a plan for the revitalization of the station area and surrounding commercial district. Previous Village planning studies were used as input to the plan.

Current Activities

The study was completed in December 2005. In November 2012 the Village met with a panel of development experts to solicit guidance and advice on ways to capitalize on redevelopment opportunities in the TOD study area. A summary of this discussion can be found under Related Reports.

Earlier in 2012 the Village was awarded a $400,000 US EPA Brownfield Assessment Grant to conduct 20 Phase I assessments and 12 Phase II assessments throughout the Village, mostly in the TOD area. The Village has also spent considerable effort in preparing for a Letter of Map Revision for the flood plain in the west side of the Village Center with technical assistance and support from CMAP. Assessing the clean-up and flooding issues in the TOD area will allow the Village to pursue and attract realistic development opportunities.

In early 2015 the RTA applied for and was awarded CMAQ funding on behalf of the Village to improve sidewalks and pedestrian access along 147th and near the Metra station. These improvements were constructed in 2018.

In 2016 the Village partnered with CMAP through their Local Technical Assistance program to envision potential pedestrian and stormwater management improvements at key points along 147th Street between Cicero Avenue and Kedzie Avenue. This project included a Complete Streets on-site demonstration event to show the types of potential improvements, cost estimates for improvements and funding sources to implement recommended improvements along 147th.

In early 2019 the RTA applied for and was awarded CMAQ funding a second time on behalf of the Village to construct pedestrian access improvements for southern access to the Midlothian Metra station.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $60,000
Federal $80,000

Last Updated 02.02.2023

+ Niles Bus Oriented-Development Plan for Milwaukee Avenue Community Planning Corridor Planning Niles $100,000
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details


This plan explored transit oriented development opportunities along Milwaukee Avenue within the Village of Niles. The plan focused on strategies to improve transit facilities and services within the context of an overall effort to improve the function and aesthetics of the Milwaukee Avenue corridor. Improvements to transit facilities, new pedestrian amenities, streetscaping, traffic circulation, access to businesses, and potential redevelopment opportunities are major components addressed in the plan. Coordination with existing Pace service and the Niles Free Bus service was also explored.

Current Activities

This project was initiated in March of 2005 and is now complete. The Niles Village Board approved the Milwaukee Avenue Plan on January 24, 2006.

The Village of Niles continues to implement the BOD Plan recommendations to improve transit-oriented development and increase access to transit. Since 2008, the Village has installed paver crosswalks, decorative fencing, new traffic signal poles with arms, street furniture, sidewalks, pedestrian light poles, and street trees along Milwaukee Avenue. These improvements foster pedestrian and transit environments while spurring community and economic development.

Through the CMAP Local Technical Assistance (LTA) program, a Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan was completed, and adopted by the Village in March 2014. This plan identifies steps the Village can pursue to further develop the pedestrian and bicycle networks throughout the Village.

Pace continues to advance Transit Signal Priority (TSP) and Arterial Rapid Transit (ART) along the corridor. Through an RTA Innovation, Coordination, and Enhancement (ICE) project, Pace will test the integration of transit signal priority technology that will allow CTA and Pace buses to interact with multiple types of traffic signal systems located on the same arterial.

Pace received a CMAQ grant in 2014 to fund the following components of Milwaukee Avenue ART from Jefferson Park to Golf Mill: Phase 1 Engineering, stations, real time information, ART vehicles, and queue jump lanes (where appropriate), which are elements of the Pace TSP Planning for the Milwaukee Avenue Arterial Rapid Transit. Pace held public open houses for its Milwaukee Avenue ART service in 2015 to solicit feedback.

Milwaukee Avenue will be the first Pace ART line - now titled Pace Pulse - to be implemented. Construction on shelters and other supporting infrastructure will begin in summer of 2017 with an expected opening of the line in 2018. For more information regarding the Pace Pulse program, visit

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $10,000
Local $10,000
Federal $80,000

Last Updated 07.28.2021