Planning Programs and Projects

This page allows users to search for projects from the RTA’s Planning Programs. Users can search for projects by name or keyword from the Search bar or the Filter pulldown menus. 

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Year Project Title Program Project Type Project Partner Budget Funding Source(s) Status
+ Park Forest Pace Bus Route and Metra Station Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Park Forest $232,802
  • RTA
  • Federal

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project included the installation of a five foot wide sidewalk along the south side of US30 / Lincoln Highway in the Village of Park Forest from Orchard Drive east to the Village limits at Rockwell Street, and then south along an undeveloped right-of-way to connect to an existing sidewalk in a residential neighborhood on Farragut Street. This is a segment of 2,425 linear feet and is the final segment of a greater project to build needed sidewalk connections along US30 from the eastern Village limits to the 211th Street Metra station.

Current Activities

This project was completed in the summer of 2021.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $46,560
Federal $186,242

Last Updated 11.19.2023

+ Bensenville Metra Station Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Bensenville $500,000
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project improved access to the Bensenville Metra Station through the construction of new sidewalks and bike parking at the station and along the adjacent Railroad Ave. Additionally, the commuter parking lot was reconfigured to enhance pedestrian and transit access to the station through the addition of a bus shelter and sidewalks. Other improvements included widened sidewalks, ornamental roadway lighting, bike racks, crosswalks, and a bus layover area.

Current Activities

Construction began in summer of 2018 and is now complete. Improvements include a more accessible and pedestrian friendly Metra and Pace service area for their users, potentially leading to an increase in ridership. 2018 weekday boardings increased 16% over 2016 according to Metra Boarding and Alighting Counts. Additionally, Beautification of the existing Railroad Avenue from York Road to Center Street has enhanced the pedestrian friendly nature of the Bensenville downtown area.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $100,000
Federal $400,000

Last Updated 05.18.2021

+ Brookfield Metra Station Bicycle Parking Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Brookfield $277,150
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project will add covered bicycle parking at both the Congress Park and Brookfield Metra Stations. Twenty-four racks will be installed at Congress Park and 12 at Brookfield. These improvements will leverage Brookfield's existing bicycle facilities and support the annual Bike Brookfield event.

Current Activities

Construction for this project is complete. Awaiting IDOT close out.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $13,857
Local $41,573
Federal $221,720

Last Updated 06.24.2022

+ Chicago Heights Pace Route Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Chicago Heights $124,920
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


The project will add access improvements to the Chicago Heights Pace terminal located at 16th St. and Vincennes Ave. They include replacement of existing sidewalks, adding ADA-compliant crosswalks, a bus staging lane and covered bike parking.

Current Activities

Phase I Engineering Complete. The City is currently in coordination with Illinois Department of Transportation for a Qualified Based Selection and Phase II design.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $12,492
Local $12,492
Federal $99,936

Last Updated 11.15.2023

+ Melrose Park Metra Station and Pace Route Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Melrose Park $374,000
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project will add various pedestrian improvements to the Broadway Avenue corridor, north of the Melrose Park Metra Station, which is served by Pace Route 303. Pace Routes 309 and 313 also intersect the corridor at Lake Street. Improvements that include high-visibility crosswalks and decorative-marked intersections will be installed at three intersections with one of the intersections also receiving curb bump-outs and relocation of a bus stop along with bus shelters at Main and Broadway. Bike parking will also be added at the Metra station.

Current Activities

 Construction is complete. Working on getting closeout documentation from IDOT.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $18,700
Local $56,100
Federal $299,200

Last Updated 11.15.2023

+ Northlake Pace Route Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Northlake $229,920
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project will repair a gap in the sidewalk connectivity along Wolf Road near North Avenue. Repairs will allow pedestrians to directly cross the intersection of Wolf Road and an access driveway to a shopping center. This section of Wolf Road is served by Pace Route 309 and Routes 318 and 320 operate nearby on North Avenue. Two bus shelters will also be constructed at the stops just to the south of this intersection as part of the project.

Current Activities

Consultant has been selected to complete Phase II Engineering. Waiting for IDOT to approve the engineering agreement.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $11,496
Local $34,488
Federal $183,936

Last Updated 04.20.2023

+ Waukegan Metra Station and Pace Route Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Waukegan $260,880
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project will add multi-modal access improvements to multiple Pace Routes on the Washington Street corridor. Route 572 is the primary route that serves the corridor, although Route 562 also serves portions of the corridor and four others connect to it (561, 565, 566, 569). Improvements include bus shelters and concrete pads, wayfinding to important destinations, curb extensions at the intersection with the Robert McClory Bike Path, crosswalk improvements along the project area, and bike parking at the Metra station.

Current Activities

The City is working with IDOT to get Phase I PDR approved.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $13,044
Local $39,132
Federal $208,704

Last Updated 11.15.2023

+ Bellwood Pace Route Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Bellwood $750,000
  • RTA
  • Federal

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


The project funds improvements along St. Charles Road for 1.1 miles, from Mannheim Road to 25th Avenue, which is served by Pace Route 313 and near the Bellwood and Melrose Park Metra stations. Improvements include two bus shelter pads (Pace is providing the shelters), four benches, sidewalk connectors, crosswalks, ADA accessibility improvements, pedestrian lighting, and bicycle racks.

Current Activities

Project completed.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $150,000
Federal $600,000

Last Updated 10.17.2022

+ Chicago Ridge Metra Station and Pace Route Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Chicago Ridge $998,239
  • RTA
  • Federal

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


The project funds pedestrian-related improvements along Ridgeland Avenue between 102nd and 111th Streets, which is served by the Chicago Ridge Metra station and Pace Route 384. Improvements include a new crosswalk, pedestrian signal countdowns, pavement striping, pedestrian railroad safety gates, ornamental lighting, way-finding signs, and bike racks.

Current Activities

Project completed.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $199,647
Federal $798,592

Last Updated 10.17.2022

+ Evanston CTA and Metra Main Street Stations Bicycle Parking Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Evanston $70,000
  • RTA
  • Federal

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project included the purchase and installation of a total of 40 bike parking facilities on three new concrete pads around the CTA and Metra Main Street Stations.

Current Activities

Construction on the project and installation of the bike racks was completed in fall of 2017. Improvements include increased access to the Metra and CTA Main Street stations, CTA #205 and Northwestern University Intercampus Shuttle bus routes. The bike parking facilities improve access to these transit stations, in addition to business and commercial districts along Chicago Avenue and Main Street. Moreover, this project complements the City of Evanston's other efforts to encourage alternative transportation use.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $14,000
Federal $56,000

Last Updated 06.26.2023