Planning Programs and Projects

This page allows users to search for projects from the RTA’s Planning Programs. Users can search for projects by name or keyword from the Search bar or the Filter pulldown menus. 

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Year Project Title Program Project Type Project Partner Budget Funding Source(s) Status
+ Hazel Crest 170th Street Station Transit-Oriented Development Planning Study Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Hazel Crest $55,000
  • RTA
  • Federal

Project Details

The Village of Hazel Crest 170th Street Station Transit-Oriented Development Planning Study resulted in a concept plan, design criteria and strategies for redevelopment of the station area. The study also recommended improved pedestrian and vehicular access, shared parking for commuters and business patrons, and physical improvements to buildings and infrastructure in the study area.
Current Activities
The study was completed in October, 2002 however, the Village received funding in 2016 from SSMMA to complete and update of the TOD Plan to take into account changes in market conditions as well as availability of affordable housing. In 2012, the Village was part of a Homes for a Changing Region report that explored regional and state strategies to address imbalances in northeastern Illinois' housing stock. Also involved were the Villages of Lansing, Olympia Fields and Park Forest with the RTA providing support as needed. This report recommends that Hazel Crest focus on rehabilitating existing housing stock and prioritize infill development around the Metra station area and along key corridors by revising zoning regulations to allow for higher densities.Click here for more information.

In 2017 Metra began a $3 million renovation of the Hazel Crest Metra station. The Village hopes the new station will be a part of the overall redevelopment of the east part of the community.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $11,000
Federal $44,000

Last Updated 06.08.2017

+ Inner and Outer Circumferential Rail Corridors Feasibility Study Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan Metra $188,721
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

This project determined the most viable markets for commuter rail service along the inner (IHB/BRC) and outer (EJE) circumferential rail corridors for the proposed Metra STAR line, a line that would connect suburb to suburb instead of travel in and out of downtown Chicago. The segments identified will be advanced in the planning process through more detailed analysis in the future.
Current Activities
This project was completed, and a final report published in June 2005. After completing an Alternatives Analysis for the STAR Line in 2012, Metra chose not to continue to pursue the project due to a variety of factors.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $30,755
Local $51,464
Federal $106,502

Last Updated 06.08.2017

+ Joliet Arsenal Area Transportation Plan Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan Joliet Arsenal Development Authority $190,000
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

The Joliet Arsenal Area Transportation Plan identifies the transportation services that will be required to support existing and future development on an around the former Joliet Arsenal and provides guidance to implementing agencies regarding priorities and needs in southwestern Will county. The 23,000 acre former Joliet Army Ammunition Plant is being re-developed for non-military use including the Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie, Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery, a county landfill and two major industrial parks.
Current Activities
This project was completed in April 2004. The creation of a Southwest TMA was recommended within this study, which was evaluated in a subsequent study by the RTA found here

In July of 2011, an RFP was released and proposals sought for the Southwest Will TMA Implementation and Travel Demand Study by the Joliet Arsenal Development Study and the City of Joliet.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $20,000
Local $90,000
Federal $80,000

Last Updated 06.08.2017

+ McHenry County Transportation Plan: Transit Component Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan McHenry County $0
  • RTA

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available

The RTA participated in the transit component of the McHenry County comprehensive multi-modal transportation and land use plan for the county. The transit component identified existing transit service, explored transit-related land use, service innovations, and assessed fixed route service alternatives.
Current Activities
This project was completed in December 2004. McHenry County advanced the general recommendations contained in this plan and funded a more detailed, transit-focused study in 2005. The subsequent plan provides a roadmap to implementation of short, mid and long-term transit improvements for the County to follow. The County has in place an Implementation Task Force that guides the County's efforts related to transit.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $0

Last Updated 10.05.2016

+ Morton Grove Commuter Station Location Analysis Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Morton Grove $99,500
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

The Village of Morton Grove Commuter Station Location Analysis prepared redevelopment scenarios for the Lehigh/Ferris area that included recommendations for high density residential, improvements to commuter rail station facilities and the expansion of commuter parking. The study also determined that relocating the existing commuter station and realigning Lehigh Avenue was not feasible. Realigning Lincoln Avenue at Ferris to cross the tracks at a 90-degree angle is recommended and the preferred alternative.
Current Activities
In 2010, the Village received an ITEP grant for $446,600 to help defray the cost of a realignment of Lincoln Avenue to mitigate traffic and safety issues at the at-grade crossing, a recommendation from the study. The Village is still searching for funding to complete this project. The Woodlands (320 condominiums and 782

In summer of 2017 the Village Board approved "Lexington Homes", a residential development on a vacant property in the TOD district, two blocks north of the Metra station. Located at Capulina and Ferris Avenues, the project consists of 36 townhomes, built on formerly vacant land that is partially owned by the Village.

In January 2020 the Village released an RFP seeking proposals for the redevelopment of two municipally-owned sites at 8500 & 8550 Lehigh Avenue, which include a total of approximately 1.5 acres of land area. These sites are located just south of the intersection of Lehigh and Lincoln Avenues and are directly across the street from the Morton Grove Metra Commuter Rail Station. These sites are within the Lehigh Ferris Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $50,000
Local $49,500

Last Updated 02.24.2020

+ Riverdale 138th Street Station Planning Study Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Riverdale $48,500
  • RTA
  • Federal

Project Details

The Riverdale 138th Street Station Planning Study identified redevelopment opportunities in the station area as well as recommended improvements that would compliment revitalization efforts. Among the recommended transit facility improvements were new lighting, sidewalks, and viaduct improvements at the station entrance. A circulation and streetscape plan for the station area and design criteria for the recommended redevelopment were also produced.
Current Activities
The study was completed in December 2001. RTA staff will continue to reach out to Village staff and offer any assistance needed for implementation of the plan.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $9,700
Federal $38,800

Last Updated 06.13.2017

+ Robbins Metra Station Transit-Oriented Development Study Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Robbins $57,000
  • RTA
  • Federal

Project Details

The Village of Robbins Metra Station Transit-Oriented Development Study recommends a redevelopment strategy that creates a new neighborhood with increased residential and retail opportunities. Major components of the plan include the restoration of the flood plain by utilizing it for active recreational uses and open space, concentrating development outside of the flood plain and improving the transit facility.
Current Activities
The study was completed in July 2002 and in the same year the Village was awarded $247,827 from the TCSP grant program to construct a new station house. A senior living facility was constructed in 2003-2004 just west of the Metra station. On June 13, 2012 the Village celebrated the opening of a newly-paved, 157-space commuter parking lot complete with new bike racks. To build on this effort, the RTA worked with the Village to convene a working group consisting of Village staff, the City of Blue Island, RTA staff, CMAP, Metra, ATA and Cook County Highway Department to identify ways to improve pedestrian mobility and access to the Metra Station. The final Robbins Pedestrian Access Improvement Plan can be found below under Study Documents.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $11,400
Federal $45,600

Last Updated 02.03.2017

+ Skokie Swift Station Location Feasibility Study Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan Skokie $159,883
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details


The Skokie Swift (CTA Yellow Line) is a unique high speed shuttle service operating between Dempster Street in the Village of Skokie and the CTA Howard Street station at the Chicago/Evanston border. To provide access to major activity centers such as Old Orchard Center, the Cook County 2nd District Courthouse, Oakton Community College and the Skokie central business district, the Village of Skokie directed an RTAP study to assess the feasibility of new intermediate stations and an extension.

Current Activities

The study was completed in September 2003. A new station on the CTA Yellow Line opened in April 2012 at Oakton Street, using a combination of CMAQ and local funds. The station is experiencing increasing ridership, with average weekday boardings between 800-900. Additionally, Skokie received Innovation, Coordination and Enhancement (ICE) funding through the RTA in 2009 to complement the new Oakton Street Station. Recently completed improvements include bus stops, taxi access lanes, pedestrian walkways, shared vehicle lanes, kiss and ride, and bicycle parking. In August 2014 a 20-unit single family home development called Floral Avenue broke ground less than 1/2 mile from the Oakton Street station and construction of the first homes sold is underway.

The Village is also currently pursuing redevelopment opportunities in the station area and near the Illinois Science + Technology Park and was selected by the RTA as part of the 2015 Community Planning Program to convene a panel of development experts to offer guidance and advice to the Village as they work to attract TOD investment and understand innovative financing techniques for potential development in the Oakton Street station area. To that end the Village entered into a public-private partnership in 2018 for the construction of a 12-story, 153 unit residential development at 8000 N. Lincoln, five blocks west of the Oakton CTA station. After a stall in construction the project resumed in early 2021 and is anticipated to be completed by early 2022.

In early 2015, the RTA applied for CMAQ funds on behalf of the Village for CTA rail bicycle parking at the Oakton station. CMAQ funds will be awarded to chosen projects in Fall 2015.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $39,912
Local $39,971
Federal $80,000

Last Updated 05.18.2021

+ University Park Transit-Oriented Development Planning Study Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan University Park $74,933
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

This University Park Transit-Oriented Development Planning Study recommends the establishment of mixed use development in the station area that would also functionally connect the east and west sides of the Village. The plan also recommends improved connections among Village neighborhoods, Governors State University and the station. The study was completed in September 2002.
Current Activities
The Village is exploring ways to incentivize development around the Metra station as well as near Governors State University. Currently the Village is working on various road improvement projects, especially improving Stuenkel Road with new pavement and a 10' multi-use path connecting GSU to Metra. IDOT constructed a new interchange at I-57 and Stuenkel Road which improves road access to GSU and the Village. Governors State University transitioned to a 4-year college in the Fall of 2014, which will bring an estimated 12,000 students to the area each year. A 3-phase, 10-building student housing project called Prairie Place is currently being constructed on campus to provide on-site housing. With this new housing comes the anticipated need for retail/commercial food opportunities. In advance of the University's expansion, the Village worked with the RTA to convene an RTA/ULI Developer Discussion Panel to solicit guidance and advice on ways to attract investment in the TOD area and near campus. This panel convened in March 2014. A summary of the discussion can be found in the Study Documents section below.

In early 2015, the RTA applied for CMAQ funds on behalf of the Village, via the RTA's Access to Transit Improvement Program, for pedestrian improvements along Pace Route 367, which connects to the Metra station and Governors State University. The project was chosen for CMAQ funding in fall of 2015 as part of the RTA's combined application.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $14,987
Federal $59,946

Last Updated 06.13.2017

+ Blue Island Transit-Oriented Development Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Blue Island $22,200
  • RTA

Project Details

The City of Blue Island Transit-Oriented Development study recommended improving the pedestrian environment between the Metra Electric and Rock Island District stations that are located within 500 feet of each other and where significant passenger transferring between the stations occur. The study also recommended providing streetscaping and guidance signage enhancements from the two stations to downtown Blue Island and Saint Francis Hospital, which was renamed to MetroSouth Medical Center in 2008.
Current Activities
The study was completed in May, 1999. The RTA recently completed a Phase II Transit Corridor Study which developed conceptual development programs for two parcels in the TOD area; one parcel is an under-utilized parking area Southeast of the Vermont Street Rock Island station and the other is adjacent to the station. Additionally, through an RTA Pilot Project providing implementation technical assistance, a new zoning district called the Uptown Transit-Oriented District was created and formally adopted into the City Zoning Ordinance on June 14, 2012. The new regulations can be found here.

In 2012 Metra received a grant from the Innovation, Coordination and Enhancement (ICE) Program for improvements to the Blue Island, Vermont Street Interagency Transfer Station. This project includes additional interagency signage at multiple locations, including both Metra stations. Additionally, the RTA chose Blue Island as part of the 2013 Community Planning Program to work with ULI to assemble a developer discussion panel to provide input, guidance and advice to the City as they work to attract TOD investment on a City-owned parcel adjacent to the 119th Street Metra station. This discussion took place on August 12, 2013 and a summary of this discussion can be found in the Study Documents. The City is currently working to implement the recommendations from this discussion.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $22,200

Last Updated 02.03.2017