Innovation, Coordination, and Enhancement (ICE) Projects

This page allows users to search for projects from the RTA’s Innovation, Coordination, and Enhancement (ICE) Projects. Users can search for projects by name or keyword from the Search bar or the Filter pulldown menus. 

Table results display summary information about each project. To view more details for a project, select the + icon to expand the view for additional information.

Project Title Project Type Project Partner Budget Status
+ COVID-19 Rapid Response Flexible Service Operating Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) $8,275,360 Completed

Project Details


The project funds will help ensure critical extra capacity will be provided throughout the CTA network, allowing CTA to address unsafe crowding as ridership continues to recover unevenly throughout the network. CTA will routinely modify/adapt these supplementary services to evolving ridership dynamics and crowding concerns related to the ongoing public health crisis. This project will be used to fund additional frequency of service in areas experiencing excessive crowding. All routes of the CTA bus system will be monitored for excessive crowding and additional service will be added as needed to address issues.

Current Activities

Project complete.

Funding Amounts by Year
Year Amount
2021 $7,175,360
2022 $1,100,000
Total $8,275,360

Last Updated 07.09.2024

+ Milwaukee Pulse Operating Operating Pace Suburban Bus $3,417,951 Completed

Project Details


This project supports Pace's first arterial rapid transit line on Milwaukee Avenue, the first of seven priority corridors in the Pulse network. ICE funds will be used to support the operation of this line.

Current Activities

Project complete.

Funding Amounts by Year
Year Amount
2016 $7,991
2017 $8,312
2019 $1,659,336
2020 $1,523,055
2021 $219,257
Total $3,417,951

Last Updated 07.09.2024

+ Transit Signal Priority Capital Pace Suburban Bus $4,019,965 In Progress

Project Details


2021 funding will be for radio equipment to be purchased and installed on buses to enhance the existing Cradlepoint system to upgrade to 5G technology for vehicle to infrastructure communication (innovation and enhancement). 2022 funding will be used for TSP implementation along priority corridors as part of the Regional Transit Signal Priority Implementation Program and integration of regional traffic management centers. Funds from the 2022 ICE grant are intended to be used to connect Pace TSP central system to Lake County DOT Traffic Management Center (TMC) to achieve Centralized Transit Signal Priority Systems. Tasks include (but are not limited to) establishing a working group, developing system engineering management plan, systems/software development and integration, related equipment, proof-of-concept deployment, and a system evaluation report.

Current Activities
Pace submitted draft contract documents to vendor and is awaiting response. Contract awards expected in Q2 2024.
Funding Amounts by Year
Year Amount
2021 $1,943,327
2022 $2,076,638
Total $4,019,965

Last Updated 07.09.2024

+ Ridership and Fare Enhancement Initiative Operating Metra $22,467 Completed

Project Details


The scope of the project is to create a new pilot to increase on-board and in-station police and nonpolice personnel. The goal is to enhance the quality of the on-board experience of customers through the additional personnel and increase the overall safety environment through the additional police.

Current Activities

Project complete.

Funding Amounts by Year
Year Amount
2020 $22,467

Last Updated 07.09.2024

+ GPS Train Tracker Capital Metra $20,503,267 In Progress

Project Details


This project involves the replacement of the current GPS, which has exceeded its useful life. Metra will replace the GPS, on-board announcement system and signs on the entire fleet. Metra will also install automatic passenger counters and event recorders. The new system will maintain the necessary current functions, while potentially adding video surveillance, customer information displays and an information system.

Current Activities
All software will be installed by July 30, 2024 . GPS Train Tracker backbone is projected for completion in 2024.
Funding Amounts by Year
Year Amount
2018 $3,000,000
2019 $4,978,008
2020 $3,224,455
2021 $5,300,804
2022 $4,000,000
Total $20,503,267

Last Updated 07.09.2024

+ Metra Downtown Terminal Information Display Capital Metra $952,500 In Progress

Project Details


This project will involve the installation of gate boards and big boards at downtown stations. The entire project will include up to 80 gate boards at the 5 downtown stations.

Current Activities
Installation continues, project 90% complete
Funding Amounts by Year
Year Amount
2018 $952,500

Last Updated 07.09.2024

+ Metra Main Line Conversion to LED Capital Metra $937,591 Completed

Project Details


The scope of this project is to replace the fluorescent main lighting on the Amerail cars in the Metra fleet with LED main lighting.

Current Activities

Project complete.

Funding Amounts by Year
Year Amount
2018 $937,591

Last Updated 07.09.2024

+ Milwaukee District North Service Enhancement Operating Metra $535,911 Completed

Project Details


This project involves a two-year pilot to operate additional weekday trains to serve reverse-commute riders on the Milwaukee District North Line.

Current Activities

Project complete.

Funding Amounts by Year
Year Amount
2019 $325,902
2020 $210,009
Total $535,911

Last Updated 07.09.2024

+ Car and Locomotive Cameras Capital Metra $1,499,320 Completed

Project Details


This project involves the replacement of DVRs on Metra locomotives, cab cars, and EMUs with a new technology that is faster and less grainy. Inward facing cameras, as required by the Federal FAST Act will also be included.

Current Activities

Project complete.

Funding Amounts by Year
Year Amount
2017 $1,499,320

Last Updated 07.09.2024

+ Intelligent Bus System (IBS) Equipment Capital Pace Suburban Bus $4,909,177 Completed

Project Details


The scope includes replacement of the current IBS equipment, which includes 725 units of Intelligent Vehicle Logic Units (IVLU), Mobile Data Terminals (MDT), antennas, interface cabling, adapter cables, radio cables, and installation & conversion kits, replacement of 34 access points, and the purchase of two MCC-7100 dispatch radios. This project will be phased in over three years using ICE funding. Pace will award a single contract for the whole scope, but will award funding as it becomes available over the three year period.

Current Activities

Project complete.

Funding Amounts by Year
Year Amount
2016 $1,627,460
2017 $1,651,687
2018 $1,630,030
Total $4,909,177

Last Updated 07.09.2024