Innovation, Coordination, and Enhancement (ICE) Projects

This page allows users to search for projects from the RTA’s Innovation, Coordination, and Enhancement (ICE) Projects. Users can search for projects by name or keyword from the Search bar or the Filter pulldown menus. 

Table results display summary information about each project. To view more details for a project, select the + icon to expand the view for additional information.

Project Title Project Type Project Partner Budget Status
+ Blue Island/Vermont Street Interagency Transfer Improvements Capital Metra $3,831,711 Completed

Project Details


This project involves improvements to the Blue Island, Vermont Street Interagency Transfer Station, in particular additional interagency signage at multiple locations, including both Metra stations. The commuter share represents 100% of the total project cost.

Current Activities

Project complete.

Funding Amounts by Year
Year Amount
2012 $2,240,703
2019 $608,002
2021 $983,006
Total $3,831,711

Last Updated 07.09.2024

+ Maintenance Management Information System: Enterprise Asset Management Capital Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) $767,769 Completed

Project Details


The MMIS Modules and Upgrade Project entails upgrading the current MMIS software to the latest version, adding additional software modules for electronic document management, standardizing bus and rail maintenance data, and providing a platform for user defined reports.

Current Activities

Project complete.

Funding Amounts by Year
Year Amount
2015 $767,769

Last Updated 07.09.2024

+ Maintenance Management Information System: Modules and Upgrade Project Capital Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) $1,915,335 Completed

Project Details


The MMIS Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) Facilities Project focuses on expanding the existing MMIS to encompass facilities. Facilities management data will seamlessly be integrated with the rolling stock data in CTA's MMIS. This expanded MMIS will support the activities of several CTA Departments. A pilot demonstration will also be included to test the use of a mobile device that will allow work-order information to be updated in the field.

Current Activities

Project complete.

Funding Amounts by Year
Year Amount
2015 $1,915,335

Last Updated 07.09.2024

+ Real Time Signage Capital Pace Suburban Bus $639,993 Completed

Project Details


This project will develop and use a combination of real-time bus arrival signs, Quick Response (QR) codes and a short (text) messaging service (SMS) to create access to real-time next bus information. The scope includes: purchase and installation of up to five real-time signs at five heavily used locations, up to 900 QR codes will be created, printed, laminated and affixed to information panels inside bus stop shelters, up to 15,000 unique code numbers will be created, printed and affixed to bus stop signs throughout the Pace service area. Pace anticipates using the labor of several interns to accomplish this project. This project will also provide funding for the purchase of supplies such as vinyl decals and lamination material.

Current Activities

Project complete.

Funding Amounts by Year
Year Amount
2012 $639,993

Last Updated 07.09.2024

+ Real Time Signage Capital Pace Suburban Bus $456,564 Completed

Project Details


The scope includes the purchase and installation of real time next bus signs for bus shelters and transit centers in Pace's service area. The 2014 technical revision to the scope added the purchase of Trapeze licenses which will connect the data portion to the sign software. These signs would display the existing WebWatch information for those customers who are waiting at bus stops and do not have access to the internet on their mobile phones.

Current Activities

Project complete.

Funding Amounts by Year
Year Amount
2015 $456,564

Last Updated 07.09.2024

+ Software and Hardware Enhancements to Improve Efficiency Capital Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) $1,435,364 Completed

Project Details


Provide upgrades to CTA applications and/or processes including the following: Hastus: Update of Planning/Scheduling software application used for planning, operations, customer information, and analysis. Learning Management System: The project objective is to implement a cloud based learning management system that provides a unified and comprehensive eLearning platform that allows for training registration, approval by management and tracking, with real time reporting.

Current Activities

Project complete.

Funding Amounts by Year
Year Amount
2015 $1,435,364

Last Updated 07.09.2024

+ Milwaukee Avenue TSP Project - Demonstration Capital Pace Suburban Bus $218,527 Completed

Project Details


The goal of the Milwaukee Avenue Transit Signal Priority Demonstration project is to test the integration of Transit Signal Priority (TSP) technology that will allow Pace and CTA buses to interact with multiple types of traffic signal systems located along the same corridor. It includes developing a message set and testing of TSP communication from Pace buses at two signalized intersections; programing of IBS/Trapeze to generate a priority request to send standard messages; and programming of existing signal controller for receipt and granting of TSP. The RTA ICE project will focus on signal coordination with the CTA/CDOT portion of Milwaukee Avenue.

Current Activities

Project complete.

Funding Amounts by Year
Year Amount
2011 $218,527

Last Updated 07.09.2024