Planning Programs and Projects

This page allows users to search for projects from the RTA’s Planning Programs. Users can search for projects by name or keyword from the Search bar or the Filter pulldown menus. 

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Year Project Title Program Project Type Project Partner Budget Funding Source(s) Status
+ Winthrop Harbor Station Area Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Winthrop Harbor $72,200
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

This study recommends the redevelopment of the Village's business district using the Metra station as the anchor, while placing emphasis on the proximity of the harbor to downtown.
Current Activities
This project was completed in January 2005. Per a recommendation in the plan, the Village enhanced the streetscape along 7th Street in the TOD area in 2010 with funding assistance from ITEP. Currently, the Village is exploring ways to market their harbor and adjacent proximity to Lake Michigan as a destination and development opportunity for condos, hotel and retail. The Village was chosen as part of the 2012 RTA Community Planning Program for assistance revising their zoning code in the TOD area. This project began in April 2013 and new TOD area zoning regulations were adopted in May 2014. The adopted regulations can be found here.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $14,440
Federal $57,760

Last Updated 06.23.2014

+ Franklin Park West Line Station Area Planning Study Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Franklin Park $75,000
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

This project assessed the feasibility of transit-oriented development in the vicinity of the Metra Milwaukee West Line station in downtown Franklin Park. The goal of the project was to foster improvements to the area served by the Metra Station in order to attract and retain businesses, increase potential tax revenues to the Village, and increase transit ridership by enhancing pedestrian, bus and auto access to the station. This project was completed in February 2006.
Current Activities
RTA worked with the Village to convene a ULI Developer Discussion Panel to solicit guidance and advice on ways to attract TOD investment in the study area. A panel of development experts met with Village staff and elected officials in July 2012 to discuss potential redevelopment opportunities at the vacant LaSalle Bank site located on Minneapolis & 25th Avenues as well as vacant land next to The Crossings condominium development. A summary of this discussion can be found below in the Study Documents.

In 2014 the completed updates to their downtown zoning code, in partnership with the RTA, to better facilitate TOD development and the Village also pursued a Quiet Zone in the TOD area in partnership with the Village of River Grove. For more information please visit
In 2020 the Village approved the sale of a downtown parcel at 9600 Franklin Avenue to make way for the construction of a 6-story, 110-unit, market rate luxury rental housing development with ground floor retail.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $15,000
Federal $60,000

Last Updated 08.20.2020

+ Lemont Station Area Planning Study Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Lemont $100,000
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

This station area planning project focused on mixed use development and improved access and circulation while maintaining the historical character of the study area. A detailed concept plans for the western portion of the Village, including the Metra station area, was prepared. This project was completed in January 2005.
Current Activities
The Village revised their zoning ordinance in 2008 per a recommendation in their Station Area Plan and developed a Unified Development Ordinance, which allows them to provide optimal transitions between incompatible land uses, incorporate design controls, and focus on transit-supportive uses.

The Front Street Lofts, an 82-unit condo loft development located in the TOD area along the I&M Canal, is completed and occupied. Additional residential and mixed use development has taken place along Talcott Ave., also in the study area.

In January 2015 the Village held a Developer Discussion Panel coordinated through the RTA and ULI to solicit advice from development experts on ways to proactively attract infill development near the Metra Station along two Downtown corridors, Main Street and Canal street. A link to the report is provided below

The Village is currently exploring funding opportunities for a streetscape improvement plan.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $20,000
Federal $80,000

Last Updated 06.25.2018

+ North Chicago Station Area Planning Study Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan North Chicago $74,820
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

This project created a master plan and implementation strategy for the redevelopment of the area surrounding the North Chicago Metra rail station. The redevelopment would include high-density housing, retail and commercial services. The project will also analyze the inter-modal connections between Pace and Metra.
Current Activities
The final plan was adopted by the City Council in January 2008. Currently, the City has been exploring ways to acquire some or all of the excess property in the TOD area owned by Abbott Laboratories, which would allow them to pursue TOD opportunities recommended in the plan.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $14,964
Federal $59,856

Last Updated 02.25.2013

+ Richton Park Station Area Planning Study Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Richton Park $87,710
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

This project explored mixed-use redevelopment opportunities by conducting a preliminary market analysis and survey of stakeholder perceptions. Design guidelines, implementation strategies and a preferred concept plan were developed.
Current Activities
This project was completed in November 2004. The Village was chosen as part of the 2013 RTA Community Planning Program to participate in a RTA/ULI Developer Discussion Panel to solicit guidance and advice from the development community on ways to attract TOD investment. This panel convened on December 13, 2013 and a summary of this discussion can be found in the Study Documents.

In early 2015 the RTA applied for CMAQ funds on behalf of the Village, via the RTA's Access to Transit Improvement Program, for pedestrian improvements in the Metra station area. The project was chosen for CMAQ funding in fall of 2015 as part of the RTA's combined application.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $10,042
Local $7,500
Federal $70,168

Last Updated 02.03.2017

+ Wheeling Station Area Planning Study Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Wheeling $75,000
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

This project provided a coordinated plan for the redevelopment of the area around the Wheeling Metra Station, focusing on commercial and residential land uses. This project was completed in April 2004.
Current Activities
In 2009 the Village constructed a new Village Hall per a recommendation in the Plan and in 2014 the Village updated their zoning code to create mixed-use districts around the Metra station to allow, encourage and attract higher-density development.

In 2008, the Village acquired the 11-acre Wickes furniture site just north/northeast of the Metra station which was developed as the Wheeling Town Center featuring over 300 apartments and 100,000 square feet of retail. It is anchored by a dinner theater, and restaurants ranging from fast-casual to elegant dining. In 2019 the Town Center won the Cisco's Development of the Year Award.

A 288-unit luxury, multi-family development called Northgate Crossings, located at Dundee Road within walking distance of the Wheeling Metra station was completed in fall of 2016. This project was designed to appeal to young professionals, empty nesters and corporate transferees interested in a walkable, transit-served suburban location near dining and entertainment.

Uptown 500 is a $90 million, transit-oriented, master-planned, mixed-use development under construction on the northwest corner of Dundee Road and Northgate Parkway across the street from the Wheeling Town Center. Uptown 500 will feature 321 luxury apartment units and 10,500 square feet of retail space within walking distance of the Wheeling Metra Station and the nearly 100-acre Heritage Park operated by the Wheeling Park District. The developer began construction in November 2018 with completion planned in 2020.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $15,000
Federal $60,000

Last Updated 02.24.2020

+ Fox River Grove Downtown Redevelopment Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Fox River Grove $72,500
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

The Fox River Grove Downtown Redevelopment Plan developed a market-based concept plan for the Metra station area. The plan specifically utilized the proximity of the Fox River to the downtown and proposed new commuter rail facilities as a key to redevelopment. Given that the downtown is bisected by a major arterial and the commuter rail line, that are adjacent and parallel to each other, a pedestrian underpass under U.S. Route 14 was recommended to help achieve greater connectivity between the north and south sides of the downtown. The plan was completed in December 2003.
Current Activities
Expanded station facilities opened in summer of 2013 including a second (western) waiting area in December 2013 at Northwest Highway and Lincoln Ave. The Village is exploring development options for the former Grove Residences site at River Road and Route 14.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $14,500
Federal $58,000

Last Updated 06.15.2018

+ Lake County 2020 Transportation Plan: Transit Component Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan Lake County $0
  • RTA

Project Details

This project evaluated existing transportation conditions in Lake County, developed travel demand forecasts and developed a program of improvement scenarios for transit and highways. The plan builds upon the Lake County Transportation Improvement Project, a joint effort by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority (ISTHA), that produced alternatives consisting of major road and transit improvements.
Current Activities
The plan was completed in June 2002. The Lake County Board adopted the Plan in 2002 and the RTA has been monitoring progress on implementation activities as they occur.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $0

Last Updated 02.28.2013

+ Maywood Station Area Planning Study Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Maywood $88,368
  • RTA
  • Federal

Project Details

The Maywood station area planning project developed a plan for revitalizing the downtown core and improving pedestrian and vehicular access in the station area. The station area plan was developed in concert with a new Village comprehensive plan.
Current Activities
The study was completed in January 2004. The Village was chosen as part of the 2012 RTA Community Planning Program of Projects for assistance with developer recruitment and soliciation of opportunities in the TOD study area. A panel of development experts met in December 2012 to discuss redevelopment opportunities in the TOD area. A Summary of this discussion can be found in the Study Documents section.

In late November 2011, it was announced that the West Cook County Housing Collaborative received a nearly $3 million grant for its transit-oriented development strategy to update comprehensive plans and to create a sustainable transit-oriented development fund for the communities of Bellwood, Berwyn, Forest Park, Maywood and Oak Park. In 2019 the Housing Authority of Cook County is nearing completion on nine rental units in three multi-family apartment buildings reserved for disabled low-income renters, located on 5th Avenue south of the Study Area.

In July 2019 the Village Board approved the development of a mixed-use residential building with Interfaith Housing to be constructed at 820 S. 5th Ave. The development includes 72 units of affordable housing over 4,500 square feet of ground floor retail space.

In 2016 the Maywood Fine Arts Association completed the Stairway of the Stars Dance Studio in downtown Maywood on 5th Avenue just north of Lake Street. The studio is used for dance classes, fitness activities and special events.

The Village also received a $1.2 million CMAQ grant to construct a new station facility at the Maywood Metra station, which opened in 2017. Matching funds came from the Village's Fifth Avenue TIF District.

The Village was chosen again to complete an update of the TOD plan in 2019.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $17,620
Federal $70,748

Last Updated 06.28.2019

+ Woodstock Transit-Oriented Development Study Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Woodstock $67,500
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

The Woodstock Transit-Oriented Development Study project focused on integrating transportation and mobility improvements into a station area plan that included the redevelopment of the vacant Die Cast lot north of the Woodstock Metra station.
Current Activities
The study was completed in November 2003. The 12-acre Die-Cast site (located just east and adjacent to the UP tracks) was partially redeveloped with a 10-unit townhome community called Woodstock Station by The Hummel Group in 2008. Six acres of the original planning study site remains undeveloped. In 2018 the renovation of the former Elks Lodge at Cass and Throop Street into a retail, café and bar and the conversion of the BMO Harris Bank Building on the Square to a Brew Pub and Café are examples of transit supportive infill development in downtown Woodstock.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $13,500
Federal $54,000

Last Updated 06.15.2018