Planning Programs and Projects

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Year Project Title Program Project Type Project Partner Budget Funding Source(s) Status
+ Tinley Park Station Area Plans Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Tinley Park $40,000
  • RTA

Project Details


This project developed plans for two commuter rail station areas in the Village of Tinley Park, the Oak Park Avenue Station located in the downtown and the 80th Avenue station located southwest of the downtown. For the Oak Park Avenue Station, the project identified mixed-use redevelopment opportunities to revitalize the commercial core surrounding the station. The 80th Avenue Station scope of work focused on civic uses, expanded parking, and improved access to the station. The study was completed in September 1998.

Current Activities

A new station was rebuilt between 2002-2005 at the Oak Park Avenue stop on the Rock Island Line that includes a café and a clock tower with 360* views of the station area. Additionally, a new station at the 80th Avenue stop opened in the Spring of 2012.

The Village was selected for inclusion in the 2014 Community Planning Program of Projects for a Developer / Financial Advisory Panel. The Panel convened on October 14th, 2014 and a summary report of the discussion can be found below under "Related Studies".

Among the short-term goals is to expand Zabrocki Plaza, immediately east of the Oak Park Avenue Metra station, to increase space for activities that draw people into the downtown, and at the same time to showcase the downtown's amenities to people from outside Tinley Park. Because any expansion would impact parking spaces in the Metra lot, the village would have to make up for those lost spaces elsewhere near the station, and discussions with Metra about that have been ongoing.

'The Boulevard' - a mixed use project consisting of 165 units and 29,853 sq. ft of commercial space at South St and 67th Ave, was approved for construction in September 2018 and completed in 2021.

The Village of Tinley Park recently announced it is partnering with a developer that has acquired the final parcel of property needed to move forward with construction of Harmony Square, a new multi-use plaza that will be located at the corner of Oak Park Avenue and North Street in Downtown Tinley.

The Village also secured funding for a new traffic light at 80th Avenue and Timber Drive to help control traffic in the Metra station area.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $40,000

Last Updated 05.19.2023