CTA Bus Summary

This page displays daily average ridership by route for a given month and day type for the past 13 years. The page defaults to the latest month of data available. Figures from years prior can be downloaded with the link above.

The charts below show historical monthly ridership and ridership for the 13 months prior to the month specified.

Day Type Boardings
Weekday 12,793,097
Saturday 1,636,640
Sunday/Holiday 1,185,472
Total 15,615,209
Top 10 Routes
Route Boardings
66 Chicago 369,340
8 Halsted 368,144
9 Ashland 339,953
79 79th 336,166
53 Pulaski 311,958
3 King Dr 299,770
77 Belmont 293,597
49 Western 284,465
82 Kimball/Homan 282,784
4 Cottage Grove 254,214

Previous 13 Month Ridership

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Historical April Total Ridership

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