Planning Programs and Projects

This page allows users to search for projects from the RTA’s Planning Programs. Users can search for projects by name or keyword from the Search bar or the Filter pulldown menus. 

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Year Project Title Program Project Type Project Partner Budget Funding Source(s) Status
+ Mount Prospect Metra Station Bicycle Parking Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Mount Prospect $168,500
  • RTA
  • Federal

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


The project improved bicycle access to the Mount Prospect Metra station and downtown area with the installation of shelters and concrete pads to accommodate 60 new covered bicycle parking spaces.

Current Activities

The project was completed in fall of 2017. Improvements are making transit more accessible to cyclists, potentially increasing ridership along the Union Pacific Northwest Line. These improvements have also increased bicycle access to Pace Routes 234 (which has a shelter at Northwest Highway and Emerson) and 694 (stops at Prospect Avenue and Main Street).

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $33,700
Federal $134,800

Last Updated 05.18.2021

+ - Naperville_Ride DuPage to Work '16-17 Section 5310 / JARC / NF Operating Naperville $1,671,384
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project continues to operate as part of the Ride DuPage program. Older adults are afforded increased employment opportunities by providing them with transportation to jobs outside of their own town and at times that may extend beyond traditional work hours. Seven local governments sponsor the service.

Current Activities

The operating service provided 1,200 trips in May 2021. Ridership has been affected due to COVID-19.  

This project is complete.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $835,692
Federal $835,692

Last Updated 11.24.2023

+ Oak Forest Metra Station and Pace Route Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Oak Forest $564,887
  • RTA
  • Federal
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


Improvements to the Oak Forest station area include improving sidewalk connectivity, signage, ADA accessibility, and pedestrian lighting. Access to eight Pace bus stops on Route #383 will also be improved.

Current Activities

Continuing work to obtain IDOT required temporary easement documentation from multiple impacted property owners.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $112,977
Federal $451,910

Last Updated 11.15.2023

+ Olympia Fields TOD Zoning Update Community Planning TOD Zoning Olympia Fields $25,000
  • RTA

Project Details

This project developed specific zoning regulations and guidelines to reflect and implement the previously-adopted Village Town Center Plan. This plan outlines strategies for the Village to attract and encourage TOD investment near the 203rd Street Metra station. Form-based regulations were included in the revised code.
Current Activities
The revised zoning code and associated design guidelines were adopted by the Village Board in September 2018.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $25,000

Last Updated 12.12.2019

+ Pace Central Harlem Avenue Corridor Study Community Planning Corridor Planning Pace Suburban Bus $199,500
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details


This project completed transit access and land use study with recommended ways to improve transit accessibility while identifying and promoting potential land uses that compliment transit service along the 10 mile stretch of Harlem Avenue, from North Avenue to 71st Street. This project continued the momentum of the previously completed Southwest Conference of Mayors sponsored Harlem Avenue Corridor Project (from 63rd Street to I-80), which has experienced successful implementation efforts. The project area is slated for future Pulse Pulse service, which is an Arterial Rapid Transit service.

Current Activities

The final report was completed in November of 2018 has been shared with Pace and members of the steering committee. Rezoning work is talking place in 2021 and 2022 along the sections of Harlem Ave within Riverside and Berwyn, as recommended in the plan.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $39,900
Federal $159,600

Last Updated 07.28.2021

+ - Phase VI Regional Call Center '16-'17 Section 5310 / JARC / NF Mobility Management Pace Suburban Bus $2,216,885
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


Phase VI of Pace's Regional Call Center takes reservations for dial a ride and demand response services to seniors and individuals with disabilities. The Call Center provides comprehensive mobility management services that improve the coordination and operation of transportation services.

Current Activities

This project has fully expended grant funds.


Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $443,377
Federal $1,773,508

Last Updated 11.19.2023

+ - RGAs Ensuring Access to the Community '16-17 Section 5310 / JARC / NF Operating Ray Graham Association $2,717,340
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


Individuals with disabilities are transported from their homes to Community Learning Centers and to a variety of other activities including grocery shopping, medical appointments, volunteer opportunities and recreational activities.

Current Activities

The operating service provided 15,668 trips in June 2022.  

This project is complete.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $1,358,670
Federal $1,358,670

Last Updated 11.24.2023

+ Richton Park Metra Station and Pace Route Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Richton Park $352,003
  • RTA
  • Federal

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


Project improvements include crosswalks, sidewalk connectors, ADA accessibility improvements at the Richton Park Metra station and along Pace Route #362.

Current Activities

Construction of this project is complete. Awaiting IDOT closeout.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $70,401
Federal $281,602

Last Updated 06.24.2022

+ - Ride in Kane Phase 15 & 16 Section 5310 / JARC / NF Operating Association for Individual Development (AID) $3,088,396
  • Local
  • Federal
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project coordinates paratransit services in Kane County into a centralized system that optimizes transportation resources for older adults and persons with disabilities. The sponsors of this project include multiple private non-profit organizations and local units of government.

Current Activities

The operating service provided 3,740 trips in June 2021. Ridership has been affected due to COVID-19.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $1,544,198
Federal $1,544,198

Last Updated 11.22.2023

+ - Ride Lake County '16- '17 Section 5310 / JARC / NF Operating Lake County $882,126
  • Local
  • Federal
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


In May 2022, Lake County combined and expanded the Central and West projects into a countywide service.

Ride Lake County is a borderless countywide paratransit service providing seniors (age 60 and above) and individuals with disabilities curb-to-curb transportation. The geographic service includes Lake County along with the entirety of municipalities whose city limits extend beyond the County border into Cook and McHenry County. With no limitations on the purpose of the trip the service operates Sunday through Saturday from 6:00am to 6:00pm (excluding specific holidays).

Current Activities

The Ride Lake County operating service provided 3,860 trips in September 2023.  

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $441,063
Federal $441,063

Last Updated 11.24.2023