Planning Programs and Projects

This page allows users to search for projects from the RTA’s Planning Programs. Users can search for projects by name or keyword from the Search bar or the Filter pulldown menus. 

Table results display summary information about each project. To view more details for a project, select the + icon to expand the view for additional information.


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Year Project Title Program Project Type Project Partner Budget Funding Source(s) Status
+ - Little City Transportation Program '18-'19 Section 5310 / JARC / NF Operating Little City Foundation $1,088,194
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project provides transportation for seniors and individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, who are enrolled with Little City, to places of employment, community-based programs, Special Olympics regional competitions, and medical appointments.

Current Activities

The operating service provided 3,183 trips in October 2020.  This project is complete.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $544,097
Federal $544,097

Last Updated 11.24.2023

+ Maywood TOD Plan Update Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Maywood $65,012
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

Related Reports

This project updated the station area plan for the area surrounding the Maywood Metra commuter rail station with a focus along the 5th Avenue and Lake Street downtown business corridors within a quarter mile of the station. The plan will assist the Village with strategies for redevelopment in the downtown core and identifies recommendations to improve access to transit services and other transportation improvements.

Current Activities

The Maywood Village Board adopted the plan in May 2020 and in the spring of 2021 the RTA awarded technical assistance to the Village to update the zoning code as recommended in the plan.

The RTA will continue to monitor and support implementation efforts of the Village.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $11,762
Local $3,250
Federal $50,000

Last Updated 05.18.2021

+ - McHenry County Service Integration & Coordination '18-19 Section 5310 / JARC / NF Operating McHenry County $2,400,000
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


The McRide program provides coordinated dial-a-ride service to individuals with disabilities and individuals 60 years or older.  The RTA Board approved funding for this project on August 22, 2019.

Current Activities

The operating service provided  3,385 trips in January 2021..

This project is complete.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $1,200,000
Federal $1,200,000

Last Updated 11.24.2023

+ Melrose Park Metra Station and Pace Route Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Melrose Park $374,000
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project will add various pedestrian improvements to the Broadway Avenue corridor, north of the Melrose Park Metra Station, which is served by Pace Route 303. Pace Routes 309 and 313 also intersect the corridor at Lake Street. Improvements that include high-visibility crosswalks and decorative-marked intersections will be installed at three intersections with one of the intersections also receiving curb bump-outs and relocation of a bus stop along with bus shelters at Main and Broadway. Bike parking will also be added at the Metra station.

Current Activities

 Construction is complete. Working on getting closeout documentation from IDOT.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $18,700
Local $56,100
Federal $299,200

Last Updated 11.15.2023

+ - Naperville_Ride DuPage to Work '18-'19 Section 5310 / JARC / NF Operating Naperville $1,320,000
  • Local
  • Federal
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project continues to operate as part of the Ride DuPage program. Older adults are afforded increased employment opportunities by providing them with transportation to jobs outside of their own town and at times that may extend beyond traditional work hours. Seven local governments sponsor the service.

Current Activities

The operating service provided 946 trips in September 2023.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $660,000
Federal $660,000

Last Updated 11.24.2023

+ North Central Service Analysis and Implementation Study Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan Mundelein $125,000
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

This study created a coordinated sub-regional investment plan framework focused on the communities served by the Metra North Central Service. Project initiatives identified planned enhancements to the line and service enhancements preferred by existing riders, outlined implementation strategies, identified traditional and non-traditional funding sources for infrastructure improvements, and provided parameters for legal authority to move forward.
Current Activities
The project was completed in February of 2020 and adopted by the Mundelein Village Board in April of 2020. The RTA, Village and the Lake County Transportation Alliance are identifying a strategy to move forward with recommendations of the plan.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $50,000
Local $25,000
Federal $50,000

Last Updated 05.01.2020

+ Northlake Pace Route Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Northlake $229,920
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project will repair a gap in the sidewalk connectivity along Wolf Road near North Avenue. Repairs will allow pedestrians to directly cross the intersection of Wolf Road and an access driveway to a shopping center. This section of Wolf Road is served by Pace Route 309 and Routes 318 and 320 operate nearby on North Avenue. Two bus shelters will also be constructed at the stops just to the south of this intersection as part of the project.

Current Activities

Consultant has been selected to complete Phase II Engineering. Waiting for IDOT to approve the engineering agreement.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $11,496
Local $34,488
Federal $183,936

Last Updated 04.20.2023

+ - Phase VII Regional Call Center '18-'19 Section 5310 / JARC / NF Mobility Management Pace Suburban Bus $2,832,455
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


Pace's Regional Call Center takes reservations for dial a ride and demand response services to seniors and individuals with disabilities. The Call Center provides comprehensive mobility management services that improve the coordination and operation of transportation services.

Current Activities

The project has fully expended funds from this grant.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $566,491
Federal $2,265,964

Last Updated 11.19.2023

+ - RGAs Comprehensive Transportation Program '18-'19 Section 5310 / JARC / NF Operating Ray Graham Association $1,533,054
  • Local
  • Federal
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


Individuals with disabilities are transported from their homes to Community Learning Centers and to a variety of other activities including grocery shopping, medical appointments, volunteer opportunities and recreational activities.

Current Activities

The RTA Board approved funding for this project on August 22, 2019.  The operating service provided 15,644 trips in September 2023.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $766,527
Federal $766,527

Last Updated 11.24.2023

+ - Ride in Kane Phase 17 & 18 Section 5310 / JARC / NF Administration - Operating Association for Individual Development (AID) $5,000,992
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project coordinates paratransit services in Kane County into a centralized system that optimizes transportation resources for older adults and persons with disabilities. The sponsors of this project include multiple private non-profit organizations and local units of government.

Current Activities

The RTA Board approved this project on August 22, 2019.  This project provided approximately 3,814 trips in September 2023.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $2,497,996
Federal $2,502,996

Last Updated 11.28.2023