Planning Programs and Projects

This page allows users to search for projects from the RTA’s Planning Programs. Users can search for projects by name or keyword from the Search bar or the Filter pulldown menus. 

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Year Project Title Program Project Type Project Partner Budget Funding Source(s) Status
+ Crete Downtown and Balmoral Park Station Area Plans Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Crete $113,850
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

This project developed station area plans for the proposed Downtown Crete and Balmoral Park stations along the proposed Metra Southeast service commuter rail line.
Current Activities
As of the end of 2010, Metra has completed the Alternatives Analysis for the proposed Southeast Service Line. On March 7, 2011, then Governor Quinn signed into law House Bill 1644 which established the Southeast Commuter Rail Transit District which now has authority to acquire rights to use the freight rail line, buy land to build train stations and purchase rail cars.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $2,770
Local $20,000
Federal $91,080

Last Updated 06.30.2016

+ Elgin National Street Station Area Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Elgin $100,000
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details


The City of Elgin was awarded a Community Planning grant by the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) to develop a Transit-Oriented Development plan for the National Street Station area. The City and consultant team worked with a steering committee, which included neighborhood residents and business owners, to develop a plan for the area around the National Street Metra Station. Valuable insights about the area were obtained through community meetings and the analysis of existing conditions. Subsequent community meetings were hosted at the library to refine and confirm proposed concept plans.

The plan proposed redevelopment opportunities for properties within a 1/4 of a mile of the National Street Train Station. The plan makes recommendations for redevelopment throughout the area particularly for the Clock Tower Plaza shopping center and intersection of National Street and Route 31. In addition to redevelopment opportunities the plan identified streetscape, pedestrian, and roadway opportunities to improve access and circulation near the station. The final report is comprised of an executive summary, detailed concept plans, design guidelines, implementation strategies and appendix including existing conditions summary and market analysis. The final report identified the importance of market forces and City actions as necessary components to implement plan objectives.

Current Activities

The City Council unanimously approved the plan on September 14th, 2011 as an amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan and Design Guidelines.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $20,000
Federal $80,000

Last Updated 07.18.2023

+ Montgomery Park and Ride Facility Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Montgomery $112,496
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

The project developed a plan to guide the location of a park and ride and potential a station area site for the proposed Metra Burlington Northern Santa Fe extension. The resulting plan provided recommendations to link the proposed station area with the existing downtown, residential areas and employment centers as well as transit-oriented development options. Initial phases of the plan call for the development of a Park-N-Ride that would service the Aurora Metra Station.
Current Activities
The Village Board adopted the Plan in September 2009. Two potential sites were identified for a future Park-N-Ride: one site north of Route 30 east-adjacent to railroad tracks and one site south of Route 30 west-adjacent to the railraod tracks. Pace and the RTA will continue to monitor the market to implement a Park-N-Ride at one of the two locations.

This plan was awarded an IL-APA Award in 2010.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $80,000
Local $32,496

Last Updated 06.15.2018

+ Pace Service Planning Tool Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan Pace Suburban Bus $1,052,570
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details


Through this project, Pace created a new ridership forecasting application that utilizes customized market research and mode choice models. Using Pace's South Cook County, Southwest Cook County, and Will County Restructuring Initiatives as the market area for this project, the resulting data and models were used to identify opportunities for service improvements. This forecasting application will be used region-wide in each of Pace's service areas.

Current Activities

The Service Planning Tool is one of various methods Pace is currently using to analyze service upgrades and improvements.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $250,000
Local $802,570

Last Updated 11.19.2023

+ Regional Transit Coordination Plan (RTCP) Systems Analysis Component Mobility Management Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) $0
  • RTA

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


The Regional Transit Coordination Plan is an ongoing multi-year program aimed at enhancing regional mobility by facilitating seamless travel on public transportation.

The Systems Analysis component, initiated in 2004, evaluated the combined impacts of improvements within all areas of coordination: physical, service, fare and information. Major steps included identifying existing regional travel patterns, characterizing major activity centers, and addressing gaps between travel demand and travel supply.

Current Activities

Preliminary results from the systems analysis component were presented to the RTA Board in May 2005. The Final Report was completed in April 2006.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $0

Last Updated 01.18.2023

+ South Suburban Commuter Rail Corridor Phase I & II Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association (SSMMA) $318,111
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details


Three studies were conducted to study the feasibility, land use, and financing aspects of a new, high-quality and high-capacity transit service in southeast Cook County to provide access to downtown Chicago job opportunities and to complement local economic development efforts.

In 2000 Metra completed the South Suburban Commuter Rail Feasibility Study which examines the potential for implementing Metra commuter rail service on a new radial line to serve suburbs in southeastern Cook and northeastern Will Counties. The proposed route focuses on utilizing the jointly owned tracks of the Union Pacific Railroad (UP) and CSX Transportation (the railroad subsidiary of the multi-modal CSX Corporation) between Beecher and Dolton, with several options to connect with other lines to reach downtown Chicago. This Phase I Feasibility Study is the first step in a longer process to ascertain not only the potential demand for this proposed new service, but also how it might reach eventual implementation. The Study was a collaborative effort, sponsored by the South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association (SSMMA), who provided the necessary funding. The Study is organized into four major tasks or milestones, all aimed at providing a methodological and objective means of formulating Study recommendations. The four major sections are: Existing Conditions, Potential Operations, Future Plans, and Capital Improvements.

Phase I - Land Use and Local Financing Study Study completed in 2005 with sponsorship by Village of South Holland and South Suburban Mayors & Managers Association (SSMMA)

The Phase I Study was conducted to explore key land use and financial planning considerations related to a potential commuter rail connection between Chicago's downtown Loop district and various communities southeast of the City. A primary goal of the study was to ensure that residents, businesses and organizations would have a say in how communities could support and plan for commuter rail. This included discussion about station locations, development potential in the area around stations, generation of required local matching funds for station design and construction.

Phase II - Land Use and Local Financing Study Study completed in 2007 with sponsorship by South Suburban Mayors & Managers Association (SSMMA)

The Phase II Study, examines in more detail several recommendations in the Local Finance chapter of the Phase I report. It also presents information on how the communities can begin to initiate formal intergovernmental agreements to govern creation, management and oversight of a joint funding pool to help pay for the land acquisition and construction of stations and parking facilities along Metra's proposed SouthEast Service commuter rail line.

Current Activities

This entry is a compilation of three separate studies. All projects are completed.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $76,811
Local $241,300

Last Updated 07.18.2023

+ Winfield Town Center Revitalization Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Winfield $104,688
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

This project developed a comprehensive town center revitalization plan for the Winfield station area located on the Union Pacific West line.
Current Activities
In August 2010, a newly-constructed pedestrian underpass opened to facilitate pedestrian access to both sides of the Metra tracks. Additionally, the Village is currently exploring funding opportunities for a shared parking deck in their TOD area to free up various parcels of land currently used as surface lots, a key recommendation in this study.

In 2019 the Village approved the construction of Winfield Station, the development planned for the former Winfield Fuel & Material Co. site immediately south of the train tracks along Winfield Road. The plans calls for a five-story building that will offer 162 units, including 15 efficiency units, 90 one-bedroom units and 58 two-bedroom units. Construction is anticipated to take place in 2020 with completion in 2021.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $938
Local $20,000
Federal $83,750

Last Updated 06.03.2020

+ Bellwood Transit Oriented-Development Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Bellwood $103,855
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

This project produced a redevelopment plan that integrates transit-supportive land uses with Metra commuter rail service and Pace bus service along the St. Charles Road corridor.
Current Activities
The Plan was completed in April 2008.

In November 2013 the Village completed a Comprehensive Plan that includes recommendations for priority redevelopment sites in the TOD Area.

Additionally, the Village was selected in 2014 to host a Developer Discussion Panel to solicit guidance and advice from ULI members on ways to attract investment along the St. Charles Road corridor; a summary report of this discussion can be found on the Bellwood Developer Discussion Panel RTAMS page.

In early 2015, the RTA applied for CMAQ funds on behalf of the Village for pedestrian improvements along St. Charles Road as a selected project in the Access to Transit Improvement Program. A Single-Family Homes residential project, 'Randolph Estates' consisting of 12 units and 48 parking spaces began construction in September 2016 and was completed in December 2018. In addition, a 10,483 sq. ft medical clinic, 'Oak Street Health' began construction in March 2018 and was completed in July 2018.

In early 2019 the Village was awarded Invest in Cook funds from Cook County Department of Transportation to complete St. Charles Road Sidewalk ADA Ramp Improvements.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $20,771
Federal $83,084

Last Updated 12.11.2019

+ Buffalo Grove Transit-Oriented Development Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Buffalo Grove $124,427
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details


Through this study, the Village developed transit-oriented development plans for two locations along the Metra North Central Line: Deerfield Parkway at Commerce Court and Route 22 at Prairie. This study produced transit-oriented development plans for two Metra stations on the North Central Line in the Village of Buffalo Grove: Buffalo Grove and Prairie View.

Current Activities

The study was completed in January 2007. The Village surveyed area employers within the station area in summer of 2010 to identify any needed revisions to Pace Bus Route #626, which serves the station. Upgrades were made to the route shortly after.

Buffalo Grove was also chosen as part of the 2011 RTA Community Planning Program of Projects to update their zoning regulations in both station areas to include transit-supportive regulations. This project began in the 4th Quarter of 2011 and updated regulations & design guidelines for both station areas were completed in August 2012. 13 new townhomes were built in the Waterbury Place development within the Prairie View TOD area in 2013, but these units were approved for development prior to the start of the TOD zoning project. In spring of 2016 the Easton Station project broke ground in the Prairie View station area just west of I-94 and just south of Route 22. The development will consist of 15 luxury townhomes.

In 2019 the Village completed an update to the Prairie View plan and is now working to implement the revised vision. The updated plan calls for single-family homes and townhouses clustered around more than 12 acres of park space; a central area with a mix of uses, including single-family homes, multifamily housing and commercial properties, along with a gateway paying tribute to the neighborhood's history; and a south area featuring townhouses and a mixed-use building overlooking a plaza. The RTA continues to track development progress in both station areas and offer implementation assistance when appropriate.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $12,443
Local $12,443
Federal $99,541

Last Updated 09.28.2021

+ Elmwood Park Station Area Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Elmwood Park $95,117
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details


This project assessed current conditions and recommended improvements for the Elmwood Park station area located on the Metra Milwaukee District West Line. The plan identified transit supportive opportunities and addressed auto and pedestrian circulation issues.

Current Activities

The study was completed in July 2006. In June 2021 the Village of Elmwood Park purchased the vacant lot at 7505 W. Grand Avenue, across from the Metra station, to facilitate future development.

The RTA is monitoring progress and will provide technical assistance and support as needed.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $19,023
Federal $76,094

Last Updated 10.25.2022