Project Management Oversight (PMO) Capital Projects

The RTA is responsible for ensuring that the Service Boards are spending capital funds and managing their capital projects effectively and efficiently.  The RTA conducts periodic project reviews with Service Board project managers to ensure that capital projects are being implemented according to scope, on schedule, within budget and according to established project management guidelines.

Each project listed below is being actively monitored by RTA’s PMO team. Reporting data is provided that includes, Project Start Date, Project End Date, Budget Status, Schedule Status and Current Activities. These projects are also part of the overall Regional Capital Program which can be viewed separately here.

PMO also produces semi-annual reports that cover all projects that are being monitored. These reports can be found on the Project Management Oversight site.  The latest report is the June 2023 Project Management Oversight report


This search filters based on details within the PMO Project. The search box below allows users to search by PMO Project name.

Agency Project Title Asset Category Mode 2024 Funding 2024-2028 Funding Status
+ Metra Vehicles & Equipment Support Facilities & Equipment Rail $2,330,000 $15,410,930 On Schedule

Project Details

This project provides for the purchase of fleet vehicles and equipment utilized by Metra’s various departments to help service and maintain the system. This project includes, but is not limited to, vehicles used for supervision of fieldwork, small pickup trucks, construction equipment, and other vehicles. Project funds will replace and retire vehicles and equipment in Metra's current fleet that has surpassed its useful life.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $2,330,000 $13,080,930 $15,410,930
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $9,000,000 $2,330,000 $13,080,930 $24,410,930


Total Project Budget^ Budget Status Schedule Status Start Date End Date
On Budget
On Schedule

^Total Project Budget is the project budget being tracked by the RTA PMO Group

Current Status
Procurement activities are in progress. Metra is waiting on delivery of vehicles, including 23 highway vehicles, 48V service carts, three electric vans, seven police vehicles, and ten service vehicles. As of this reporting period, 30 vehicles have been received.

Last Updated 06.10.2024

+ Metra Car and Locomotive Cameras Rolling Stock Rail $2,000,000 $10,000,000 On Schedule

Project Details

This project involves the purchase of a digital video recording (DVR) system. The system will replace the 12-year old, obsolete system currently running on Metra’s rolling stock. The new system will allow for video recording of railroad signal aspects and incidents and includes inward-facing cameras and outward-facing, dual-lens cameras.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $2,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $8,000,000 $14,000,000


Total Project Budget^ Budget Status Schedule Status Start Date End Date
On Budget
On Schedule

^Total Project Budget is the project budget being tracked by the RTA PMO Group

Current Status
The new technology allows recording at a faster frame rate and higher resolution, allowing slowing down the recording to less than real time rates without distortion, blurring, or loss of resolution. Currently, the DVR system is being installed by Metra Forces and passenger cameras are being installed by a vendor. All prototype installations were completed with them running with no issues. The full-scale installation began, and kits started delivery in October 2022. In total, 92 cars were completed, and the project is on-going and continuing installation activities.

Last Updated 06.10.2024

+ CTA 5000 Series Rail Car Quarter Life Overhaul Rolling Stock Rail $1,899,057 $41,619,579 On Schedule

Project Details

5000 Series Qtr. Overhaul - 714 Cars - The scope of this project is to provide for the Quarter?Life Overhaul on the 5000?Series rail cars. Schedule maintenance will include major component rebuilds and needed repairs to the car bodies. Additional work may include: replacing control groups, air conditioning units, truck assemblies, including traction motors, cables, batteries, brake calipers, axle assemblies, interior seat modification and other critical components based on condition assessment.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $33,591,710 $33,591,710
State $0 $0 $6,128,812 $6,128,812
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $1,899,057 $0 $1,899,057
Total $31,335,000 $1,899,057 $39,720,522 $72,954,579


Total Project Budget^ Budget Status Schedule Status Start Date End Date
On Budget
On Schedule

^Total Project Budget is the project budget being tracked by the RTA PMO Group

Current Status
As of the beginning of May, 434 out of 714 cars have completed the overhaul process. CTA continues to receive material kits and overhaul cars. On average, CTA forces are overhauling 14 rail cars per month.

Last Updated 06.10.2024

+ Pace Purchase 15-passenger Paratransit Vehicles Rolling Stock Bus $1,754,725 $31,047,716 On Schedule

Project Details

Paratransit Vehicles - Pace plans to purchase 298 replacement vehicles (22'-25' cutaway) including associated equipment (cameras, destination signs, etc.) and services (Buy America audit and inspections) for paratransit services.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $1,754,725 $29,292,991 $31,047,716
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $7,388,134 $1,754,725 $29,292,991 $38,435,850


Total Project Budget^ Budget Status Schedule Status Start Date End Date
On Budget
On Schedule

^Total Project Budget is the project budget being tracked by the RTA PMO Group

Current Status
These buses will service DuPage, Kane, Lake, Will and Cook counties. Pace awarded a new contract in November 2020. The first order was for a quantity of 210 paratransit buses. The final vehicle of the base order was delivered in this reporting period in March 2024. Pace is working with the vendor for the second order of vehicles. These vehicles will combine additional paratransit vehicles & vehicles to be used for the community vehicle program. Final change order terms and pricing discussions are ongoing.

Last Updated 06.10.2024

+ Metra Morgan Interlocking Electrical, Signal & Communications Rail $1,500,000 $1,500,000 On Schedule

Project Details

This project will provide design and construction funds for the replacement of the Morgan Street Interlocking on Metra’s Milwaukee C&M subdivision, the signal system infrastructure between Canal Street and A-2 interlocking. The Morgan St. Interlocker and crossings were originally installed in the early 1960’s. The signal system is also affected by the extreme weather conditions common to the Chicago region. It has become extremely difficult in recent years to get parts to make repairs to keep the system operational.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $1,500,000 $0 $1,500,000
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $3,870,000 $1,500,000 $0 $5,370,000


Total Project Budget^ Budget Status Schedule Status Start Date End Date
On Budget
On Schedule

^Total Project Budget is the project budget being tracked by the RTA PMO Group

Current Status
The Morgan interlocker overall site design reached the 60% design milstone. The Morgan interlocker critical component design work reached 100% design during this reporting period. An IGA with CDOT was executed and CDOT is reviewing the civil drawings. Once approved and comments addressed, the civil drawings before the designer can proceed to the 90% design submittal.

Last Updated 06.10.2024

+ Metra Shelters Stations & Passenger Facilities Rail $1,025,000 $3,125,000 On Schedule

Project Details

This project will fund the installation of shelters at stations across the system, which will provide on-demand heat. Specific locations are to be determined, based on existing conditions and demand. Shelters will be pre-fabricated structures and may include on-demand heating elements.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $1,025,000 $2,100,000 $3,125,000
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $4,500,000 $1,025,000 $2,100,000 $7,625,000


Total Project Budget^ Budget Status Schedule Status Start Date End Date
On Budget
On Schedule

^Total Project Budget is the project budget being tracked by the RTA PMO Group

Current Status
Aluminum shelters continue to be installed throughout the system. Currently, shelter installation is on hold at Morton Grove, Western Ave., 67th St., 83rd St.. Western Avenue and Woodstock had the NEPA review completed and are at 30% design and continuing. Procurement packages for the next package of stations is in process.

Last Updated 06.10.2024

+ Metra Cybersecurity Systems N/A Rail $955,000 $955,000 On Schedule

Project Details

The goal of this project is to enhance Metra's cybersecurity and implement Metra’s cybersecuritystrategy. The objectives of this strategy are to implement vulnerability risk management, institute patchautomation, establish security operations sharing, and counter emerging threats through detection andresponse.This project will fund the purchase and installation of equipment and software for scanning,prioritization, and remediation of vulnerabilities. This also includes the purchase of hardware andsoftware for multiple networks and segments including IT systems, positive train control (PTC),SCADA infrastructure, and signal, telecom, and camera networks. The purchased equipment will covervulnerability scanning and prioritization, patch automation and remediation, Security Information andEvent Management (SIEM), and endpoint detection and response (EDR).
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $955,000 $0 $955,000
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $1,700,000 $955,000 $0 $2,655,000


Total Project Budget^ Budget Status Schedule Status Start Date End Date
On Budget
On Schedule

^Total Project Budget is the project budget being tracked by the RTA PMO Group

Current Status
Contracts for cybersecurity and vulnerability software were awarded and software installation completed for 7 contracts. Contracts were awarded for vulnerability assessment and shared cloud software, as well as reaching award for remote desktop management. Work continues on software implementation with these programs.

Last Updated 06.10.2024

+ Pace Fixed Route Electric Buses Rolling Stock Bus $826,779 $78,835,907 On Schedule

Project Details

Replace 52 diesel buses with electric buses including any associated equipment (cameras, destination signs, etc.) and services (Buy America audit and inspections).
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $826,779 $72,614,500 $73,441,279
State $0 $0 $5,394,628 $5,394,628
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $26,192,311 $826,779 $78,009,128 $105,028,218


Total Project Budget^ Budget Status Schedule Status Start Date End Date
On Budget
On Schedule

^Total Project Budget is the project budget being tracked by the RTA PMO Group

Current Status
The contract was executed, and the vendor originally provided Pace with an updated production schedule due to previous supply chain issues and long lead time items. However, the vendor was bought out by a new company, Phoenix Cars, LLC. Since the change, Phoenix has provided Pace with an updated delivery schedule and Pace will start to receive vehicles in early 2025.

Last Updated 06.10.2024

+ Metra Gresham Area Bridges Track & Structure Rail $500,000 $500,000 On Schedule

Project Details

This project funds the remainder of construction costs to replace two bridges on the Rock Island (RI) Line in the Auburn Gresham neighborhood of Chicago. The Vincennes Bridge on the RI Main Line is a concrete structure built in 1916 at milepost 9.75. The Morgan Bridge on the RI Beverly Branch is a timber structure at milepost 10.15 and was erected in 1973 by the now-defunct Rock Island Railroad with the intention of being a temporary solution. Both bridges are named after the Chicago street over which they cross, carry two main line tracks, and will be replaced with resilient concrete bridges.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $500,000 $0 $500,000
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $17,000,000 $500,000 $0 $17,500,000


Total Project Budget^ Budget Status Schedule Status Start Date End Date
On Budget
On Schedule

^Total Project Budget is the project budget being tracked by the RTA PMO Group

Current Status
The Notice to Proceed for construction has been issued in September 2023. Currently the contractor is working on submittals and the permitting process. There are some delays associated with permitting process.

Last Updated 06.10.2024

+ Metra 47th ST Yard Improvements - Heating Support Facilities & Equipment Rail $0 $0 On Schedule

Project Details

This project will replace the heating system for two facility buildings at the 47th Street Yard. The project scope includes the procurement and installation of boilers, piping, fixtures, and other equipment for the Diesel and Car maintenance shops.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 $0


Total Project Budget^ Budget Status Schedule Status Start Date End Date
On Budget
On Schedule

^Total Project Budget is the project budget being tracked by the RTA PMO Group

Current Status
The work for the diesel shop construction, the 12KV distribution system, and sprinkler system reached substantial completion. Metra issued the notice to proceed for force account activities for Blue Island Yard canopy construction. The 12KV and sprinkler system were completed.

Last Updated 06.10.2024