Planning Programs and Projects

This page allows users to search for projects from the RTA’s Planning Programs. Users can search for projects by name or keyword from the Search bar or the Filter pulldown menus. 

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Year Project Title Program Project Type Project Partner Budget Funding Source(s) Status
+ Buffalo Grove TOD Zoning Code Update Community Planning TOD Zoning Buffalo Grove $21,666
  • RTA
  • Federal

Project Details

Buffalo Grove was chosen as part of the 2011 RTA Community Planning Program of Projects to create zoning guidelines for both the Buffalo Grove and Prairie View station areas to encourage transit-supportive development.
Current Activities
Updated regulations & design guidelines for both station areas were completed in August 2012. The RTA continues to track development progress in both station areas and to offer implementation assistance when appropriate.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $4,334
Federal $17,332

Last Updated 06.30.2016

+ Cicero Connections Initiative Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Cicero $148,129
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details


This project created a transit-oriented development and transit improvement plan, focusing on the Town's Metra station, two CTA stations (Cicero and 54th / Cermak) and eleven Pace and CTA bus routes. The plan provides recommendations to improve mobility and connections between transit services, stimulate TOD investment in the Town's transit station areas, and connect dense housing areas with transit, walkable commercial development and job centers.

Current Activities

The Plan was adopted by the Town Board on November 11, 2014. The Town has initiated some implementation efforts by securing technical assistance in 2018 from the RTA to amend the Town Zoning ordinance. 

In 2021 the Chicago Transit Authority was awarded funds for design engineering to improve the at-grade crossing of the Pink Line with Cicero Avenue. As identified in the plan, the condition of the roadway and the protective rubber boots at the crossing have deteriorated over time, creating hazardous conditions for motorists and pedestrians. In addition, the signal system, roadway, and pedestrian gate mechanisms at the grade crossing will be upgraded. The CTA will work with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) to make these critical system improvements. Changes to this grade crossing are a priority due to several safety incidents at the crossing that have put CTA staff and passengers at potential risk. 

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $118,503
Local $29,626

Last Updated 09.28.2021

+ Evanston Main Street Station Transit-Oriented Development Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Evanston $125,000
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

This project created a transit-oriented development plan for the City's Main Street Metra and CTA stations. The plan evaluated ways to introduce high-quality office and technology space into the station area and improve connections between the two stations.
Current Activities
The Main Street TOD Plan was adopted by the Evanston City Council on July 9, 2014. A nine-story mixed-use development at Chicago Avenue and Main Street that includes 112 apartment units above ground floor retail and second floor office and amenity space opened in fall of 2016. In 2017 the RTA assisted the City to create a TOD Parking Policy for areas surrounding this and other rail stations throughout the City. In 2018 the RTA awarded funds to install new bike racks at the Main Street Station via the RTA's Access to Transit Program.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $100,000
Local $25,000

Last Updated 06.03.2020

+ Fox Lake Station Area Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Fox Lake $100,000
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

Related Reports
This project created a transit-oriented development plan for the Metra station area located in the Village's downtown. The Village plans to provide recommendations to improve walkability and improve streetscaping, redevelop vacant and underutilized land, promote the Village as a tourist destination and encourage the use of Metra.
Current Activities
The Village Board formally adopted the Plan on August 13, 2013. To continue support of the Village's TOD efforts, the RTA selected the Village as part of the 2014 Community Planning Program of Projects for a Developer Discussion Panel. The Panel convened on February 10, 2015 and a summary of this discussion can be found on the Fox Lake Developer Discussion Panel RTAMS page.

In September of 2017 the Village Board designated the Fox Lake station area as a Business District, where an additional 1% sales tax will be applied to generate revenue for promoting redevelopment and constructing public infrastructure.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $80,000
Local $20,000

Last Updated 07.01.2019

+ Franklin Park Developer Discussion Panel Community Planning Developer Panel Franklin Park $3,500
  • RTA

Project Details

The RTA coordinated with the Urban Land Institute (ULI) to bring in a panel of development experts to provide guidance and advice on ways the community can attract TOD investment in their Metra station area.
Current Activities
This panel convened in July 2012 and a summary of this discussion can be found below in the Study Documents. The RTA is monitoring progress and will offer assistance with implementation as needed.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $3,500

Last Updated 11.30.2015

+ La Grange Stone Avenue Station Access Improvement Plan Community Planning Pedestrian Access to Transit La Grange $0
  • RTA

Project Details

The RTA worked with the Village to convene a working group consisting of Village staff, RTA staff, CMAP, Metra, ATA BNSF Railway and the ICC to identify ways to improve pedestrian mobility and access to the Metra Station.
Current Activities
The Village used this document to seek out funding opportunities to fund the recommended improvements. In 2013 CMAP approved the RTA's submittal to fund 80% of the cost for local access to transit capital improvements for the Stone Avenue Metra Station, as recommended in this plan. The RTA has approved the local match as part of the 2014 budget and projects began in mid-2014. The full Access Improvements report can be found below in the Study Documents section below.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $0

Last Updated 06.13.2017

+ Kenilworth Corridor Transportation and Streetscape Plan Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan Kenilworth $74,999
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

This project developed a transportation and streetscape plan for the Green Bay Road corridor, which includes the Metra station and a Pace bus route. The plan provides recommendations for a balanced, multi-modal corridor that ensures the safe and efficient movement of vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists, with improved access to both the Metra station and Pace service.
Current Activities
The draft final plan was presented to and accepted by the Village Board on October 21, 2013. The RTA continues to work with the Village on implementation activities. The current focus is on pedestrian access improvements.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $59,999
Local $15,000

Last Updated 09.25.2014

+ Lake Villa Downtown TOD Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Lake Villa $124,840
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

This project created a transit-oriented development plan for an approximate 1/2 mile radius of the existing Metra station within the Village. The plan focused on expanding new development and redevelopment opportunities and providing a balanced mix of housing and jobs in the Metra station area. The TOD plan was adopted as part of the Village's Comprehensive Plan in September 2013.
Current Activities
The RTA worked with the Village to prepare a marketing brochure that highlights the opportunity sites and concept plans illustrated in the TOD plan. The brochure was completed in August 2014 and the Village will use it to court prospective developers. The brochure can be found below in the Study Documents.

In early 2015 the RTA applied for CMAQ funding on behalf of the Village, as a selected project in the Access to Transit Improvement Program, for sidewalk & access improvements in the Metra station area and was awarded funding (including Lake Villa). Projects should begin construction in 2017 or 2018.

In September 2017, the Village Board voted to designate the Metra station area a Business District in order to spur redevelopment. The additional taxes generated from the business district will be used for area improvements such as enhancements to private buildings, public infrastructure upgrades and beautification efforts.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $99,872
Local $24,968

Last Updated 10.02.2017

+ Manhattan Developer Discussion Panel Community Planning Developer Panel Manhattan $3,500
  • RTA

Project Details

The RTA coordinated with the Urban Land Institute (ULI) to bring in a panel of development experts to provide guidance and advice on ways the community can attract TOD investment in their Metra station area.
Current Activities
This panel convened in April 2013 and a summary of this discussion can be found below in Study Documents. The RTA is monitoring progress and will offer assistance with implementation as needed.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $3,500

Last Updated 11.18.2016

+ Maywood Developer Discussion Panel Community Planning Developer Panel Maywood $3,500
  • RTA

Project Details

The RTA coordinated with the Urban Land Institute (ULI) to bring in a panel of development experts to provide guidance and advice on ways the community can attract TOD investment in their Metra station area.
Current Activities
This panel convened in December 2012 and a summary of this discussion can be found in the Study Documents section. The RTA is monitoring progress and will offer assistance with implementation as needed.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $3,500

Last Updated 06.13.2017